XBB.1.16 Delhi ramps up COVID testing for these symptoms amid rise

Health department officials in Delhi have directed hospitals, polyclinics and dispensaries in the city to increase COVID-19 testing as the number of cases has been rising in the past few days. In the period from March 30 to April 7, Delhi recorded over 3,800 coronavirus cases. On Friday, Delhi logged 733 COVID-19 cases, the highest in seven months, with a positivity rate of 19.93%.

The department has directed these facilities to test any person who shows symptoms of influenza-like illness (ILI) like fever, cough and body aches.

“The authorities of these facilities have been told that anyone who visits such facilities and exhibits symptoms of ILI (influenza-like illness) like fever, cough, body ache, should be tested as cases have increased And the daily count continues to rise,” said a source.

As testing ramps up, more kits and equipment will be used, and the health department is preparing for the same.

The Delhi government is tracking the rise in COVID-19 cases and is “ready to face any eventuality”, according to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Medical experts say that the new XBB.1.16 variant of the virus may increase the surge, but there is no need to panic. He advises people to follow Covid-appropriate behavior and take booster shots of vaccines.

Reports suggest that the doses of the COVID vaccine are currently out of stock at government facilities in the city.

“Request was sent to the Center for allocation of more Covid vaccine doses. Older stock has an expiration date, so all doses before that date were used. Also, people do not seem keen on taking booster doses due to various reasons, so there are not many takers anyway,” another source told PTI.

Currently, out of 7,989 beds in the city’s dedicated COVID hospitals, around 120 are occupied while 1,491 patients are in home isolation. The number of active cases currently stands at 2,331, an increase of over 150% from March 30, when the figure stood at 932. The Delhi government is taking all necessary steps to deal with the situation and has urged people to follow COVID-appropriate behavior and precautions.

(with inputs from agencies)

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