Xi Jinping: Protests against Xi Jinping and the COVID-Zero Policy in China: Why it’s Important | World News – Times of India

New Delhi: This doesn’t happen very often in China, especially since Xi Jinping has become the chairman. Therefore, the police and administration in China must have been surprised when banners strongly criticizing Xi Jinping”covid zero“The policy and the communist leadership were hung from a busy crossroads in Beijing.
Social media posts showed banners calling for an end to the hard-line “Covid Zero” policy and the overthrow of Communist Party leader and President Xi Jinping.
However, China’s internet censors moved quickly to clear social media posts on protest banners in Beijing. It was not clear who would have hung the banners or when they were put up. Dozens of police barged into the shops and surrounded the area. At times, he used to stop passers-by and interrogate them. Associated Press reporters were questioned three times and asked to present identities. Police denied anything unusual happened in the area.
Political protests are very rare in China. Therefore, the banner protest, however symbolic it may be, is of great importance. More than the protest, it is the timing that makes it all the more important.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to open a historic congress of the ruling Communist Party on Sunday, where he is set to win a third term that cements his place as China’s most powerful ruler since Mao Zedong.
hostage exclusion
In a rare act of defiance, home buyers in at least over 100 cities have stopped mortgage payments as developers put on hold construction projects amid the crisis and stricter Covid Zero regulations. The mortgage boycott has raised concerns about a prolonged slowdown in China’s real estate market. More than $40 billion in loans are at stake because of threats of mortgage boycotts.
President for life?
Xi’s owncovid Zero” policy is battering the economy, while their support for Russia Vladimir Putin China further away from the West. Still, diplomats, economists and analysts say Xi is ready to tighten his grip on power and rule China for as long as he wants.
The roughly week-long congress will take place behind closed doors in the massive Great Hall of the People on Tiananmen Square with some 2,300 delegates. The Chinese capital has stepped up security and intensified the screening of Kovid. In nearby Hebei province, steel mills were instructed to cut operations to improve air quality, an industry source said.
(with inputs from agencies)