Xi Jinping watches as his guards forcefully remove former President Hu Jintao. blame the red folder

PResident Xi Jinping and the new Politburo Standing Committee travel to Yan’an, suggesting further struggle for the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP. Beijing chooses a new propaganda chief. The mystery has deepened with the disappearance of former President Hu Jintao. Fifty Chinese police stations have been seen from Madrid to Athens. wall street journal Publishes an insider account of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou’s detention and swapping for two Canadian nationals. China is continuously building roads in eastern Ladakh. Chinascope brings you news from a relatively quiet week in Chinese politics.

China in a week

Xi Jinping to his top leadership team 20 . After the conclusion of the Shaanxi province took his first visit to Yan’anth Party Congress in Beijing on 22 October.

Yan’an is of particular importance in the history of modern China and the rise of the CCP.

Yan’an is where CCP Chairman Mao Zedong and his allies established a command base to coordinate military action during the Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil Wars. During a very turbulent period between 1930 and 1940, Yan’an became the center of the rapidly emerging CCP’s activities for more than 13 years.

In Yan’an, Xi said, “The Yan’an Revolutionary Site has witnessed the glorious course of our party leading the Chinese Revolution and exploring the cinicization of Marxism during the Yan’an period.”

Shaanxi province is not a strange place for Xi.

“I have also lived and worked in the Yan’an area for seven years and I have a strong affinity for it. My father’s generation has also come from here, so I am very familiar with the area.”

Xi Jinping was deported to an agricultural commune in Shaanxi during the Cultural Revolution – a Chinese socio-political movement to preserve communism – from 1969–75.

With this visit, Xi indicated that China may once again see a period of conflict as the previous ‘revolutionaries’ did during the era of Chairman Mao.

Although it is not unusual to travel together to a site like Yan’an in 2017, Xi took the newly elected Standing Committee to Shanghai—the site of the first meeting of the Party Congress in 1921. In 2012, he took his team to an exhibition. Beijing.

Meanwhile, party posts have started filling up in key positions after the conclusion of the mega party event last week.

Li Shulei, at present head The publicity department has been elected to head the publicity department. The Publicity or Publicity Department sits at the top of the CCP’s messaging hierarchy and will play a vital role in spreading its ideas through music, film, news and social media.

Another important post has also been filled.

Xi Taifeng, former president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, has been elected to head the United Front Work Department. The United Front Work Department is another important tool in the CCP’s survival toolbox, hoping to keep its enemies divided.

Scenes from former President Hu Jintao 20. was forcibly pulled from the closing program ofth Party Congress is still fresh in the minds of the people.

there is a consensus emerged among analysts that Hu was taken not because he was ill, but was taken away to try to see red folder In front of him. Li Zanshu, a former member of the standing committee, can be seen persuading Hu not to open the folder, which he insisted on doing.

Then Xi intervened. He asked his personal security guard to take Hu away.

We don’t know what the folder is attached to, but the document in the folder is likely to contain the names of the lineup for the Standing Committee and the Politburo. There may be some disagreement with Hu’s final list of names. Feeling uncomfortable with Hu’s behaviour, Xi decided that it would be best to exclude Hu from the final stages of the Party Congress proceedings.

Hu and his son, Hu Haifeng, have been censored from Chinese social media, suggesting that Hu may have issues His son’s name is not in the final list in the red folder.

Hu has yet to appear in public since the incident.

The COVID-19 restrictions in Tibet have fallen from the news cycle in the past few weeks, but people are angry with the response of the local authorities.

on 26 October, Video Protests against local authorities in Lhasa over restrictions imposed on migrant Chinese workers leaving Tibet were broadcast on Twitter.

Read also: Chinese response to border standoff with India is to build more highways along LAC

China in world news

People may have already forgotten about the detention of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou in Canada. but wall street journal has published details of talks between Canada and China over the swap of Meng for two Canadian nationals, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, who have been detained in China on charges of espionage.

“Mr. Xi wrote more than 100 notes about his case, and he discussed Michaels with two US presidents. Mr. Xi refused to free Ms. Meng until she was released. Canada is stuck in the middle. was.” wall street journal Is revealed,

WSJ report good shows That the Ministry of Public Security had a list of Canadians in China ready for Xi, and they only had two names to choose from. These Canadian Michaels will prove to be unlucky.

WSJ a complete. Is account The talks linked to talks between Xi, former US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau through diplomats from three countries.

Walking the streets of Madrid or Glasgow, you might not expect to come across a Chinese police station, but you would be surprised to hear of 54 police stations in global cities run by Chinese provincial police departments. In September, Spanish human rights NGO Safeguard Defenders published a report about 54 police “service stations” around the world trying to track down Chinese nationals abroad, in order to persuade some to return to China. Can you The report eventually caught the attention of the media and local authorities. Netherlands And Canada We are investigating the presence of Chinese police stations in their area.

Chinese citizens, from students to workers, are looking for ways to escape Xi’s China for personal and business reasons. But more than ever, fleeing the Chinese mainland doesn’t mean you have left the country behind as Chinese police increase their footprint in major European and Asian cities.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry does not deny the existence of these “service stations” and is Told These stations are meant to ‘help foreign Chinese nationals’.

As winter begins in eastern Ladakh, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is digging tents to stay at its posts. Hindu.

“A large number of tents, sheds and accommodation have been built in the last two months, and more are underway. Similar expansion of housing has been observed in contrast to the Strategic Sub-Region North (SSN),” informed of HinduCiting sources.

Even the Spanggur Lake and Pangong Lake areas are not calm as new road construction continues.

Officials said this is part of efforts by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to reduce its vulnerability near Spanggur Tso, as seen in late August 2020 at the height of tensions along the southern coast of Pangur Tso. When the Indian Army has deployed tanks and soldiers on the mountain peaks of the Kailash range, which give it a direct view of the Spanggur Gap. Hindu informed of.

20. In form ofth Party Congress ends, Beijing’s term messanger Ended up in New Delhi. Sun Weidong will soon step down from his post in Delhi, and a new ambassador will be appointed.

what you should read this week

exit stage right — Hu Jintao’s shocking departure from China’s political scene — china heritage

Five Firms Grass For The World – China Media Project

Special report: Wang Yi calls on Russian, Saudi counterparts as Beijing backs OPEC production cuts Sino-Russia Report

Read also: This is how China’s provinces compete to bring in new projects. it’s called local bargaining

experts this week

“For Johnson, Truss and Sunak, promoting ties with India was a priority in British diplomacy. In fact, strengthening British ties with India is tantamount to strengthening ties with India by other European countries. They are now They are pursuing their external strategic reorientation, particularly in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.China exerts a significant influence on their external strategic reorientation.

For Britain, of course, it is pursuing its external strategic restructuring after Brexit. It is paying particular attention to the Asia-Pacific region, which is clearly the center of gravity of the world’s political economy.” Told In an interview, Liu Zonghai, Senior Fellow and Secretary General of the South Asia and China Center of the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS) Guancha,

The author is a columnist and a freelance journalist, currently pursuing an MSc in International Politics with a focus on China from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He was previously a Chinese media reporter for the BBC World Service. He tweeted @aadilbrar. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Zoya Bhatti)