Yemen: At least 50 killed in Yemen conflict: Military sources – Times of India

DUBAI: At least 50 rebel and pro-government soldiers, including a high-ranking official, have been killed in the clashes. YemenMilitary sources told AFP on Thursday that the central province of al-Bayda.
“A colonel and 19 other loyalists were killed in fighting with Houthi rebels in the last 24 hours. Al-Bayda District,” said a government military official.
“30 rebels also faced their fate on the battlefields and in air raids.”
NS Huthis Rarely report casualties but the figures were confirmed by other military sources.
Iran-backed rebels have made progress in al-Bayda province in recent weeks as they also fight for control of the strategic city. maribo in the north.
In February, the Houthis intensified their efforts to seize Marib, the government’s last leg in the north, and hundreds of people on both sides were killed in the fighting.
Control over the oil-rich province would strengthen the Houthi bargaining position in peace talks.
The fighting for Marib has also raised fears of humanitarian devastation, as many Yemenis have fled to the region to avoid fighting in other parts of the country.
Conflict in Yemen erupted in 2014 when the Houthis captured the capital Sanaa, prompting a Saudi-led intervention to back the internationally recognized government the following year.
Since then, tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions are on the verge of famine. United Nations The world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
Swedish diplomat Hans GrundbergNew UN envoy to Yemen arrives Riyadh to meet with Yemeni and Saudi officials on Wednesday, marking his first visit since the state Taking office earlier this month.
While the United Nations and Washington Insisting on an end to the war, the Houthis have called for the reopening of Sanaa airport, which has been closed under Saudi blockade since 2016, before any ceasefire or talks.


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