Yoga for Diabetes: Control high blood sugar with these 5 easy asanas

Yoga for Diabetics: The many miracles and benefits of yoga are now accepted all over the world. Yoga can help ward off many ailments, high blood sugar and pressure being two of them. High blood sugar can lead to many complications in the future and hence it is necessary to keep the level of glucose in the blood under control. While medicines are to be taken as per the advice of the doctors, people also need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And what’s better than yoga? Here are five asanas that can help diabetics to control their condition.

1) Balasana (Child’s Pose)

This pose is said to aid in relaxation which in turn increases the production of insulin-producing beta cells.

How to do:

Bend your legs (in knee position) and sit up straight. Slowly, lower your torso forward on the floor. Extend your arms and touch the ground with your forehead. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds and then come back to the sitting position. Repeat 4-5 sets daily.

2) Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Since it helps in regulating the pancreas, it is an ideal asana for diabetics.

How to do:

Lie down on your stomach. Your feet should be slightly apart and your hands by your side. Bend your knees and hold your ankles. Breathe in and slowly lift your chest off the ground. Feel the stretch in your arms and thighs. Hold the position for about 15 seconds. Then exhale and slowly bring your chest and feet to the ground while releasing your ankles. Relax with your arms. Repeat the set 3-4 times.

Also read: High Blood Sugar: 7 Healthy Breakfast Options For Diabetics – Check List

3) Paschimottanasana (sitting-forward bend)

Not only is it beneficial for diabetics but it also helps in reducing blood pressure.

How to do:

Sit straight on the floor and extend your legs in front of you. While inhaling, pull both your hands above your head and extend them upwards. Then slowly while exhaling, extend the hands while bending forward. Try to hold the claws with both hands. If you can’t, grab the part of your foot where you can reach. Touch your knee joint with your forehead and close your eyes. Take a few breaths and then inhale as you lift your head. Exhale and lower your arms.

(Picture: Pixabay; for representational purposes)

4) Bhujangasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)

This asana helps in lowering your blood sugar level while strengthening your muscles.

How to do:

Lie down on your stomach and keep your legs straight. Step forward to keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor and place your arm on the floor on either side, near the last rib. Then press your arms out to raise your body. Look straight and stay in this position for 15-20 seconds while breathing normally.

4) Viparita Karani (raise the legs off the wall)

It helps in reducing blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

How to do:

Lie on your back against a wall and raise your legs off the ground at a 90-degree angle. Keep your feet up – wall support is needed if you’re not a professional. Extend your arms and use them to propel your legs. Make sure your head, neck, chin and throat are relaxed. Hold this position for a while before bringing your feet back to the ground.

5) Shavasana (corpse pose)

This ultimate relaxation pose does a lot more good for your body than you can imagine. It relaxes your body and mind and helps you reap the benefits of exercise. This should be done at the end of your exercise routine.

How to do:

Lie on your back straight and keep your arms by your side. Your palms should be open and facing the sky, close your arms and relax. Try to feel the weightlessness around you as you breathe in and out. Meditate while inhaling and exhaling.

Also read: 7 Foods To Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels Naturally – Check List And Control Diabetes

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for doctor’s or yoga expert’s advice. Consult experts before starting exercise. Zee News does not endorse it)