You can win Thor’s Mjolnir-themed Xbox Series X, here’s how – Times of India

Thor: Love and Thunder’s latest movie miracle Cinematic Universe will hit theaters across the world. In celebration of the movie’s launch, Microsoft is giving every fan around the world a chance to win a custom Mjolnir. xbox Series X. The tech giant has got a set of them and these will be the exclusive Xbox Series X consoles inspired by Mighty ThorThe hammer
For a chance to win these custom Xbox consoles, all you have to do is follow @Xbox on Twitter. “Check out the tweets from July 1st to learn more about Sweepstakes and how you can use the custom Series X console,” Marcos Waltenberg, director of Xbox Global Partnerships, said in a post on Xbox Wire.
In Love and Thunder, Mjolnir is played not by the God of Thunder, but by Jane Foster’s The Mighty Thor, played by him. Natalie Portman, This time, the good guys will face a new galactic killer known as Gore the God Butcher, played by Christian BaleWho is doing a Marvel film for the first time. Thor (Chris Helmsworth) will team up with the ally King Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), korg (Taika Waititi) and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster to stop the gore before it’s too late.
Jane Foster’s The Mighty Thor recently arrived as a playable character in Marvel’s Avengers. This makes her the third superhero to be able to fly in the game. iron man And Thor himself. In the game, Mighty Thor is from a different timeline that has come to the present through a rift in space-time caused by Tachyon anomalies. In the alternate timeline, Jane became the goddess of thunder when Odinson Thor Mjolnir left after the tragic events of A-Day.

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