Yuval Noah Harari warns the world of data colonialism and data tyrants – Times of India

Globally acclaimed author and public intellectual Yuval Noah Harari has warned the world about too much reliance on data-driven technologies. According to him, this could result in data colonialism, leading to the creation of monopolistic corporations and tyrannical governments.

Addressing the NASSCOM Leadership Summit 2022, Harari warned the world of data colonialism, which could be one of the biggest threats to humanity in the future. He said that big data in the form of artificial intelligence and machine learning are two big challenges for governments and the public.

“The two biggest problems with big data are at the national and global level. The danger at the national level is that some groups – governments or large corporate monopolies – may use it to create unequal societies or authoritarian regimes,” he said.

“For the first time in human history, it is possible to follow everyone else at all times and know a person better than the person himself,” he said.

Harari also pointed out that none of the previous dictators and tyrants could have done this because they did not have the necessary technologies. According to him, the only way is to prevent such regimes and situations. He also emphasized that in the 21st century, a country need not send its troops to conquer another country; All he has to do is extract the data of his leaders and his people.

“Imagine a situation in which China or the US has complete personal records of a country’s politicians, journalists, judges, military leaders and begins to judge them by the jokes and the diseases they battle. Then it’s now will not be an independent country but a data colony,” Harari said.

“So the way is to have the same level of monitoring in a two-way manner. In short, technology should not be allowed to be used to collect data for control, but to improve the lives of everyone,” he concludes. Removed.

With inputs from PTI
