Zika virus: 2 more Air Force officers found positive in Kanpur

Zika virus: Three more people, including two Indian Air Force personnel, have tested positive for Zika virus in Kanpur, according to PTI. With three fresh cases of Zika virus, the number has reached four in Uttar Pradesh.

“The three fresh cases are men, two of whom are IAF personnel, and one is civilian,” the chief medical officer of the U.S. said. Kanpur reported its first case of Zika virus on October 22, when an IAF warrant officer was killed. Was tested positive for Zika virus.” Kanpur, Dr Nepal Singh was quoted as saying by PTI.

After the first case was detected, the health officials collected samples of 22 people, who were in close contact with the infected person, for testing and all the samples tested negative.

The CMO said that 465 samples collected on two consecutive days on Thursday and Friday were sent to KGMU Lucknow laboratory for testing.

Of this, 3 samples came back positive for Zika virus, he said. Those who tested positive were between 30 and 41 years old and some of them were asymptomatic and lived in the vicinity of the IAF station hangar.

Indian Air Force personnel found Zika virus positive have been admitted to Air Force Hospital.

The Union Health Ministry on October 25 informed that it has sent a high level multi-disciplinary team to Uttar Pradesh to assist the state health authorities in taking measures to control and prevent Zika virus disease.

A 57-year-old male from Kanpur has tested positive for Zika virus disease on October 22.

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