10 car makers who changed their logo

Many auto manufacturers modify and replace their old logos in an attempt to re-brand. Let us see which auto brands have changed their logo over the years.

In the era of smart vehicles, hybrid and electric vehicles, manufacturers and brands are indicating this shift to make their logos more digital friendly. Read on for ten car makers who have changed their logo in recent times.


Like its fellow car makers, Toyota abandoned the 3D design for its logo. The new 2D design has minimal appeal. The previous Toyota logo design was launched by the brand in 1989. The new logo has a bold black color!


photo credit: logos-download.com


You’ve seen the BMW logo featuring black embossing for centuries. Over the decades, the brand has made only minor changes. However, it has now discontinued the 3D design and opted for a simple 2D transparent circle on the outside.


Photo credit: www.carlogos.org


KIA revealed its brand-new logo at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show. Through the re-branded logo, the Korean auto maker strives to be considered a leader in technology and more ambitious. The latest radical design gives an impression of symmetry and rhythm.


photo credit: www.seltosforum.com


The latest change to Peugeot’s logo is the 11th update to Auto Manufacture’s lion emblem. The dramatic shield-back design is one of the key changes to the new logo. The logo also uses bold black and the silhouette of an elaborate lion’s head.


photo credit: en.wikipedia.org


Nissan revealed its all new simplified 2D logo in 2020. This auto brand also seems to be following the trend of flat 2D design. The brand claims that the logo is rooted in its tradition of innovation and rich heritage. The Nissan Aria electric crossover was the first model to feature this logo.


Photo credit: www.carlogos.org


Audi was one of the first to switch to 2D logo design in March 2018. The brand logo still retains the iconic “Four Rings” but has dropped the silver color and 3D design. Audi refers to this latest updated logo as a “digital-first” logo.


photo credit: www.audi-mediacenter.com


Renault decided to introduce its updated logo with the launch of the Renault 5 prototype. The latest emblem embodies the concept of “nouvelle ambiguous”, which means a new wave. The new logo is in sync with the latest, modern and vibrant vehicle range of the brand.


photo credit: www.renaultgroup.com


GM recently announced its new slogan, “Everybody In”, along with its fresher and brighter logo. The new logo follows the company’s commitment to zero emissions, zero crashes and zero congestion. The logo evokes the spirit of “clean skies of a zero-emission future”.


photo credit: gmauthority.com


Mahindra’s “Twin Peak” logo was a significant modification to the existing emblem of Mahindra. With this change Mahindra is trying to create a difference for the SUV lineup in its portfolio. The design maker claims that the idea behind the logo is to convey a sense of liberation.


photo credit: logos-world.net


Volvo joined the 2D logo design bandwagon in 2021. It got rid of its iconic “Iron Mark” logo. The new logo better represents the auto brand’s foray into electric cars and the digital space. However, the brand will continue to use the old logo till 2023.


Photo credit: www.media.volvocars.com

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Which of these new car maker logos do you like the most?

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