“135 Crore Are Laughing, We Are Not Children”: Vice President J Dhankhar In Parliament

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar struggling to discipline members in Rajya Sabha.

new Delhi:

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar stood up in the Rajya Sabha today to remind members that “we are not children” as Parliament erupted again, this time over Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge’s recent comment on the “total lack of contribution” of the BJP and the RSS. Comment on. To the freedom struggle

“This kind of display of conduct and behavior gives us a very, very bad name,” Mr Dhankhar, who is also the chairman of the Rajya Sabha, said, adding, “We are setting a very bad example.” Outsiders have become disillusioned.

Standing up and pointing to the ruling and opposition benches alternately, he tried to make a point amid the outcry, but he repeatedly had to seek “a second” before saying, “Even that even the Chairman’s remarks cannot be digested. What a painful scenario we are passing through. Believe me, 135 crore people are laughing at us. They are thinking, thinking – to what level have we have fallen.

Mr Dhankhar was incensed when members of the BJP-led ruling coalition interrupted Leader of the Opposition and Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, who later rephrased his argument by subtracting the dog analogy Which he used in a rally in Rajasthan.

Mr. Dhankhar, a lawyer by profession, said in his discipline lesson in the Upper House of Parliament, “In a moment of emotion something can be said outside the House.”

“There may or may not be a basis for such a statement. There may be two different opinions on what was said. But it should not mean that when the Leader of the House speaks, the House messes up.” [Opposition side], And when the Leader of the Opposition speaks, there is an uproar from the other side. Is it tit for tat?” They said, “We are not children.”

He also asked the members to place supporting documents on record in case they make any claim in the House that they do not want to be off the record.

“While performing my constitutional duties, I will neither look away nor it Party; I will only look at the Constitution,” he asked Mr Kharge to make his point.

Rejecting demands for an apology, Mr Kharge said he had made the remarks outside the House at the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ stop in Rajasthan’s Alwar – so it could not be discussed in Parliament.

But he defended his argument: “Those who fought for the freedom of the country – you are asking them to apologise?”

At the rally in Alwar, he said that the Congress got India freedom and its leaders, including Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, sacrificed their lives for the country.

Has the dog in your house also died for the country? terrorist (traitors),” the Congress president had said.

He didn’t use the canine reference in the House today.

Parliament has seen repeated disruptions over the past few days as the opposition demands a discussion on the recent India-China border conflict and PM Narendra Modi’s foreign policy.

The government has confined itself to a statement after clashes in Arunachal Pradesh came to light – while the Speakers of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha continue to refuse discussion requests on “nationally sensitive matters” citing “rules and conventions” Let’s keep security”.