3 health resolutions best to avoid in 2023 by celeb nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar

The new year 2023 has started and like every year, this year also the discussion about fitness is at its peak. We all take a resolution to stick to a healthy diet, avoid junk food and stay fit and healthy when the new year begins. These New Year’s resolutions are easier said than done, which is why we all tend to go back to our old habits within a few days. But why not avoid making such resolutions first and avoid the guilt, right? Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar took to Instagram to share three health resolutions to avoid in 2023. Have a look:

(Also Read: New Year 2023: 6 Diet Resolutions You Can Actually Stick To,

This video was shared by Rujuta Diwekar on Instagram on Wednesday. It got over 748k views and 32k likes. In the video, he explained how people often make extreme resolutions to stay healthy in a short period of time. Thus, they become over-promising and end up reverting to their old lifestyle.

Here are 3 resolutions for 2023 that celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar suggests to avoid:

1. I will stop eating carbs/sugar/dairy

Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar suggested that it is best not to exclude entire food groups from the diet to get fitter. This will only make the craving worse and prove to be harmful to health in the long run. rather healthy and homemade food Should be eaten in a sustainable manner without resorting to extremes.

2. I will exercise everyday

We often promise ourselves that we will exercise every day, the minute the new year 2023 starts. However, according to Diwekar, every day is a huge goal. Instead, he suggests trying to exercise three days per week and gradually building it up from there.

(Also Read: Weight loss: Is exercise more important than diet? expert disclosure,

Losing weight isn’t about inches or kilos. Photo: iStock

3. I will aim for 10/15/20 kg weight loss

It’s easy enough to set a goal for yourself to lose any random amount of weight in a given amount of time. However, the celebrity nutritionist has said so weight loss The goal is not about weight but about consistent effort. “Get away from extremes, make a structured and sensible exercise plan,” she suggested in the caption.

What are your New Year’s resolutions that you “plan” to avoid? Tell us in the comments below.

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About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded foodies (especially those who love vegetarian momos). Plus points if you get his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.