“30 Acts of Kindness by 30”: How This Man Is Making the World a Better Place

Brian Siliakos embarks on a mission to do 30 acts of kindness by his 30th birthday

Our lives are filled with various milestones, which give us the ability to reflect on important events. Whether it’s turning a certain age, getting a first job, or getting married, we all have bucket list items we want to accomplish before we step into life’s milestones. For many people, turning 30 is a big deal, as for them it marks the end of youth, while some others see it as the beginning of mature adulthood.

While embarking on a new chapter in life is fraught with some apprehension, a 29-year-old from San Francisco has decided to do something worthwhile before turning 30. according to a report of abc7 newsA man named Brian Siliakos has embarked on a mission to do 30 acts of kindness by his 30th birthday in February.

“I took out a piece of paper and started writing down all the things I was grateful for. And in that moment, I realized that every wonderful thing that happened to me was thanks to the support and generosity of others.” the San Francisco resident told the outlet.

He also runs an Instagram page called ’30 Acts of Kindness by 30′ where he documented his journey of helping people.

For his first assignment, he made 400 sweets for the firefighters.

Then they asked 18 companies to donate $12,000 in school supplies and made 150 kits for middle schoolers.

In his third act of kindness, Mr. Siliakos personally packed 118 care boxes and handed them out to animal shelter workers.

According to kron4 news, Mr. Siliakos was inspired to put together the Care Box products after seeing a surge in animal adoptions during the pandemic. They also learned that shelter workers are five times more likely to develop PTSD.

“Acts of kindness like this tell us that we are not invisible, that there are people out there who really care about our community,” said Maya Taylor, principal of Westlake Middle School in Oakland. Told abc7 news,

Mr. Siliakos remarked that his goal is to put a smile on their faces and inspire others to give back in their own way. Through his Instagram account, he hopes others will see him and be inspired to give back as well.

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