30,196 cases of Kovid-19 in Kerala, 181 died

Kerala corona cases: State count reaches 22,001


Kerala Corona Cases: In Kerala on Thursday COVID-19 The total number of markets coming to the market of 30,196 corona virus (Kovid-19) is 42,83,494. The state health department gave this information in a. The number of touts in the state has doubled. In Kerala, the rate of infection at the rate of 24 hours can be 17.63 percent. Infection rate component 16. So far 3,28,41,859 tests have been conducted in the state.

this also further

️ Vaccine is Vaccine️️️️️️️️️️

With the virus being 27,579 infection free of Kovid-19 in the 24-hour state, the number of fatalities for this type of infection can be 40,21,456. There are 2,39,480 patients of Kovid-19 in the state. In terms of disease, Trishul has reported 3,832 cases of COVID-19.

3,611 in Arna Kulam, 3,058 in Kozhikode, 2,900 in Thiruvananthapuram, 2,717 in Kollam, 2,580 in Malappuram, 2,288 in Pallakkad, 2,214 in Kottayam, 1,645 in Alappuzha, 1,433 in Coonoor, 1,333 in Idukki and different cases of Kerala In this time 6,08,228 people have been changed, which has changed to 32,817.

– – this also further – –
* Mumbai in case of Corona
* Noting to Center and Government of Kerala on RT-PCR test information
* By list of items with house-to-house inventory
* Uttar Pradesh: 33,42,360 cold in 24 hours

(news said)


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