323 new Kovid-19 cases were reported in Mumbai, one died. Mumbai News – Times of India

Mumbai: More than 300 new cases are being reported continuously in Mumbai city. COVID-19 case of another day
On Tuesday, the maximum city witnessed an increase of 323 cases, taking the total number of cases to 7,44,155.
However, the death toll in the city is recording a decline. Only one person with co-morbidity succumbed to the virus in the last 24 hours. The total death toll is 15,977.
During the day, 272 people were discharged from various hospitals. So far 7,22,621 people have been cured after treatment.
However, active cases have increased in the city and 3,106 patients are undergoing treatment.
The recovery rate of the city is 97 percent, while the doubling rate is 1,511.
Though there are no active containment zones (jhuggi-jhopri and chawl), 29 buildings are sealed.
So far, 92,41,564 tests have been conducted in the city, the civic body informed.


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