4 new cases of monkeypox have been reported in the UK. All you need to know about this rare infection

While the coronavirus has not yet completely left mankind, a new type of virus that spreads from animals to humans has made its presence felt, with more than a few hundred cases active in most states globally.

monkeypox is a viral zoonosis that has been detected in a total of seven individuals in the United Kingdom so far. According to the UK Health Protection Agency bulletin, four news cases were detected.

Of the four new cases, three are from the capital London. Experts are burning the midnight oil to unearth a link between these four cases. Notably, four persons who tested positive monkeypox Identity as gay or bisexual, which has prompted the health body to alert these groups to symptoms.

Susan Hopkins, the agency’s chief medical adviser, said: “UKHSA is rapidly investigating the source of these infections as evidence suggests there may be community transmission of monkeypox virus, which is spread through close contact.” “We are particularly urging men who are gay and bisexual to be aware of any unusual rashes or sores and to contact sexual health service without delay.”

Monkeypox: what is it?

Monkeypox is a rare, usually mild infection, usually caught from infected wild animals in parts of Africa. According to the NHS website, the disease is a relative of smallpox, often causing a rash on the face.

Monkeypox: Is It Contagious or Contagious?

Monkeypox can be transmitted by the bite of an infected animal, or by touching its blood, body fluids, or fur. It is believed to be spread by rodents such as rats, mice and squirrels. It is also possible to catch the disease by eating meat from an infected animal that has not been cooked properly.

It is very unusual to catch monkeypox from humans, as it does not spread easily between people. But touching the clothes, bedding or towels used by someone with the rash can spread this disease. The disease can also be spread by touching the blisters or scabs on the skin of monkeypox or coming close to an infected person who coughs and sneezes.

Monkeypox: Symptoms

If you become infected with monkeypox, it usually takes between five and 21 days for the first symptoms to appear. These include high temperature, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen glands, tremors and tiredness.

The rash usually appears one to five days after experiencing these symptoms. The rash is sometimes confused with chickenpox, as it begins as raised spots that turn into small scabs filled with fluid.

Symptoms usually clear up within two to four weeks and the crust falls off.

Monkeypox: is it fatal?

According to the World Health Organization, studies in Central Africa, where people have little access to quality health care, have killed as many as a tenth of those infected with the disease. However, most patients recover within a few weeks.

Monkeypox: Treatment

There is currently no specific treatment for monkeypox. Patients will usually need to stay in a specialist hospital so that the infection does not spread and the general symptoms can be treated.

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