5-10% of active COVID-19 cases currently require hospitalization: Center

The continuous increase in the COVID-19 cases driven by the Omicron variant in the past one week has raised fears of a third wave in India. However, this time the hospitalization rate is lower than in the second wave. According to Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan, 5% to 10% of active Covid-19 cases require hospitalization in the current surge, but he said the situation is dynamic and the number admitted to hospital can jump.

In a letter to state governments and union territories, Bhushan wrote, “During the second surge of COVID cases in the country, it was observed that the percentage of active cases being hospitalized was in the range of 20-23%. The current surge, 5-10% of active cases have required hospitalization so far. The situation is dynamic and evolving, so the need for hospitalization may also change rapidly”.

Health Secretary told other important things to the state government and union territories:

  • In the letter, the Union Health Secretary said that all states and union territories need to monitor the total number of active cases, home isolation cases, hospitalized cases, cases on oxygen beds, ICU and ventilation support.
  • He said that the current increase COVID-19 The cases appear to have been driven by the constant presence of the concern type “Omicron” and another VOC “Delta”.
  • He appealed to the states to protect health workers wherever possible by taking startling initiatives and restricting elective procedures in hospitals.
  • Identify different categories of beds in private clinical establishments for COVID care with the support and active consultation of their management. It should be ensured that the charges levied by such health facilities are not exorbitant, the letter said.
  • Involve retired medical professionals or MBBS students for provision of tele-consultation services.
  • All district hospitals and medical college hospitals to be used as e-Sanjeevani tele-consultation hubs to provide e-OPD services and tele-consultation to patients at Community Health Center (CHC) and Primary Health Center (PHC) levels .

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