5 benefits of homemade grape face pack that no one has told you

Grapes face mask is rich in Vitamin A which boosts collagen in the skin.

Apply grape pulp under the eyes every day before sleeping. This will help in reducing dark circles.

Don’t we try all kinds of face packs to revive our dull face and skin? Despite this, it is not easy for everyone to maintain glow on the skin for a long time. However, if you are looking for an instant glow and want to say goodbye to your dry skin, then a grape face pack can be a good option. By applying this, you can see many more benefits to your skin. Grapes are rich in nutrients and are considered a powerhouse of vitamins that are very beneficial for your skin. At the same time, along with taking care of your skin, face pack of grapes can prove to be the glowing secret of your skin. So let’s know about the different ways to make grape face pack at home and their unique benefits.

1. Get rid of spots

Grapes face mask is rich in Vitamin A which boosts collagen in the skin. Blend 5-6 grapes with 1 tomato to make a face pack. Now apply it on your face and neck and leave it for 15-20 minutes till it dries completely. Then wash your face with cold water and pat dry with a towel. This will reduce spots and fine lines on your skin.

2. Helpful in balancing oil

You can also get rid of oily skin by applying a face pack of grapes. For this, mash 8-9 black grapes and mix 1 teaspoon Multani Mitti and 1 teaspoon rose water in it and apply it on your face. Then after 15-20 minutes wash the face with lukewarm water.

3. Get rid of dark circles

You can also take the help of grapes to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. For this, apply grape pulp under the eyes daily before sleeping. You can also get rid of dark circles by applying grape seed oil.

4. Get rid of dry skin

Grapes face packs also help in retaining the moisture of the skin. If someone has dry skin, then they should opt for grape face packs. Add 4-5 grapes with 2-3 strawberries, blend them and make a thick paste. Now apply this paste on your face and wash it after 15-20 minutes. This will make your skin look soft and moisturised.

5. Get an instant glow

You can get an instant glow on your dull skin by applying a face mask of grapes and sugarcane juice. For this, mix 1 teaspoon chamomile juice and 1 teaspoon sugarcane juice in 2 teaspoons grape pulp and apply it on the face. Now wait for some time till it dries completely and then wash your face with clean water.

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