5 Delicious Pasta Alternatives for the Pasta Lover in You

Having a bowl of delicious pasta at the end of a tiring day can make us forget all our worries. If it’s up to us, we’d eat pasta every other week but ordering pasta can be expensive. Don’t worry, we have your back! We have shortlisted some good quality packets of pasta just for you. Now you can easily whip up a bowl of creamy pasta in the middle of the night in minutes to satisfy your hunger pangs. This list contains some of the classic pasta shapes we enjoy at restaurants.

Here are 5 pasta options to choose from:

1.Del Monte Penne Rigate Pasta Durum Wheat (Imported)

Del Monte’s penne pasta is made from durum wheat semolina. It is also loaded with dietary fiber which slows down the absorption of carbs and fats, making you feel satiated for longer!

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2.Savorit Popular Spiral Pasta 500g

Savorit’s Spiral Pasta is made with the best quality wheat grains. This pasta will let you enjoy a guilt-free and nutrient-packed meal in less than 2 minutes. Satisfy midnight hunger pangs with this nutritious pack of pasta.

3.Key Gourmet Fusilli

Kea’s Pasta is crafted from the finest Durum Wheat Semolina to satisfy your craving for authentic pasta. This fusilli is the perfect shape and size that allows the sauces to blend well, giving you delicious pasta.

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4.Del Monte Spirali Pasta Pouch

Del Monte’s Spiral Pasta is a good source of protein and dietary fiber, making it a smart choice for lunch, dinner, and even breakfast! This packet of Spiral Pasta is made from Durum Wheat Semolina and weighs 1000 grams.

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5.Disano Pastalicious Pasta

Disano’s Spiral Pasta is free of artificial colors, added flavors and preservatives. Spiral Pasta is made from 100% Durum Wheat Semolina. This pasta is vegetarian, which makes it an excellent meal for everyone.

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