5 Detox Foods to Get Healthy Skin After Celebrations

Any Indian festival is incomplete without delicious food. It is that time of the year when we all leave our diet plans and healthy foods behind and indulge only in sweets and junk food. While it is important to let yourself be swept away by the festive spirit, it is also extremely important to give yourself a break from all the post-festival chaos. Our skin suffers a lot especially during the festive season. The lack of hydration due to constant fried and junk food, and busy schedule seriously affects the skin. However, following a proper skincare routine may not give your skin the radiance that your skin loses. Skin needs a detox routine To help you take out all the festive junk.

Here are 5 effective post-festival skin detox foods for healthy skin:

1. Vegetable Juice/Smoothie

Fruit juices or smoothies are a great way to help restore balance to your skin and provide your body with nutrients. They’re easy to make and keep your stomach full for a long time while ensuring you don’t end up munching on snacks. Orange juice, pomegranate juice or smoothies made with cucumber, beetroot and banana are quite delicious and bring a healthy glow and glow to the skin. They are non-processed and preservative free, which are extremely beneficial for the skin.

(Also read: 13 Delicious Detox Drink Recipes,

Smoothies make for light. Nutritious food.

2. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are great for the skin. They are rich in all essential nutrients like Vitamin A, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium and help in cleansing the system from within. After all those Diwali indulgences, green leafy vegetables Like spinach, broccoli, green onions, ajwain and cucumber give your skin the much-needed break to breathe and recharge. Add these vegetables to your daily diet in the form of salads, or curries and enjoy the benefits of these superfoods.

3. Dried Fruits and Nuts

Dry fruits like raisins, dates, almonds, walnuts and cashews are extremely healthy and rich sources of vitamins and minerals. These dry fruits have antioxidant properties that protect the skin from free radicals and environmental damage. They also help to boost collagen and maintain the glow of the skin. Start your day with a handful of dry fruits and nuts and detox yourself from the inside out.

4. Ginger and Lemon

Lemon is known to detoxify the body and improve skin health. It aids in flushing out toxins and also controls indigestion issues. Ginger on the other hand is loaded with antioxidants and promotes blood circulation in the skin resulting in healthy and glowing skin. adopt morning detox drink With lukewarm water, a few drops of lemon, and some ginger juice or you can also take ginger-lemon tea.

5. Fruits Rich in Vitamin C

Including fruits rich in Vitamin C in your post-festival detox diet is quite effective for healthy skin. Fruits like oranges, apples, watermelon and strawberries help hydrate the body and keep the skin supple and supple. In addition, all these fruits contain dietary fiber and antioxidants that protect the skin from damage. Replace all your snacks with these fruits to see a clear improvement on the skin.

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Vitamin C helps with skin health in many ways.

Add these amazing post-festival skin detox foods to your diet and let your skin thank you.

About the author: Gagan Sidhu DT is Chief Dietitian at Gagan Clinic and Managing Director at Gluhar Skin Clinic.


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