5 easy tricks to remove stains and scratches on your laptop

Nowadays we cannot think a day without our laptops. Some of us have been using a laptop for some time now and might have noticed small scratches or stains on its screen. Well, scratches and stains on laptop screens don’t look good at all, and sometimes they can distract you while working.

Now, you may be worried whether you can fix it or not. So here’s the good news for you that you can fix it at home in minutes. That’s why we are going to share with you some laptop cleaning tips, by following which you can make the laptop shine like new.

1. clean with eraserUsing an eraser can be the best option to clean the scratches on the laptop screen. Scrub the laptop screen lightly with the help of an eraser. Now after rubbing for 4-5 minutes, the scratches on the laptop screen will disappear immediately.

2. surgical spiritNot only is rubbing alcohol a great option for cleaning scratches on laptop screens, you can also use it to clean TVs and mobile handsets. Wipe the screen clean. Then dip the microfiber cloth in rubbing alcohol and rub it over the screen. This will remove all the blemishes on the screen and your screen will start shining like brand new.

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3. Petroleum jellyThe use of petroleum jelly can also be a good option to remove scratches and stains on the laptop screen. For this, apply petroleum jelly on the screen of the laptop and rub it with a microfiber cloth and leave it for a while. Now after sometime wiping with a dry cloth, your screen will be clean.

4. Stain Ease With Scratch RemoverYou can also take the help of scratch remover to remove the stains of the laptop. For this, the use of toothpaste can also prove to be very effective. At the same time, there are many scratch removers easily available in the market. Using this, you can easily brighten the screen of laptop, TV and smartphone.

5. automobile windscreen polish: Use automobile windscreen polish for deeply scratched and stained screens. This premium polish with Nano-Hybrid technology will do wonders for your laptop screen.

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