Queen’s death both challenge and relief for new UK leader – Times of India

London: British Prime Minister Lizzo truss He took power less than two weeks ago, impatient to put his stamp on the government and faced an overflow of crises: rising inflation, a falling national currency and skyrocketing energy bills.
Then the 96-year-old died Queen Elizabeth II The carefully laid plans of the truss broke.
The epoch-making event has been both a challenge and a relief to Britain’s untested new leader. The monarch’s death has brought everyday politics in Britain to a halt as the country plunges into a period of emotional mourning.
Political historian Anthony Seldon said, “She has been given space to think with the media in planning.” “One thing (a) the prime minister has time to think about.”
Truss won a Conservative Party leadership contest on 5 September and was appointed prime minister by the Queen at Balmoral Castle the following day in one of Elizabeth’s final acts.
Truss was informed that the Queen was seriously ill as she announced an emergency energy package in the House of Commons on 8 September designed to mitigate the effects of fuel bill increases induced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. it was done.
Hours after the monarch’s death was announced, many questions about the support package were left unanswered as parliament was suspended during 10 days of official mourning.
The appearance of the truss has been largely ceremonial since then. She has traveled to memorial services for the Queen in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and has attended the King’s accession. Charles III, Truss will join hundreds of political leaders and dignitaries from around the world in a crowd of 2,000 people for the Queen’s funeral on Monday. Westminster Abbey,
After that, politics will return with a vengeance and the truce will try to make up for the time lost. She will launch herself on the world stage, traveling to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly next week.
The truss is quietly getting to know other world leaders even before the funeral. She will be holding private meetings this weekend with key aides including the Prime Minister of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the Irish leader Michael Martin and Poland’s President Andrzej Duda, whose country is on the front lines of support for Ukraine.
A planned weekend meeting with the US President Joe Biden It will now be held Wednesday at the United Nations in New York, Truss’s office said on Saturday.
“The fact that so many leaders from around the world are flooding London gives the new prime minister ample time for soft diplomacy, quiet talks before and after the funeral, which will help him achieve his objective. Will do – if this is achievable – the UK on a global scale,” Seldon said.
Truss wants to reassure allies that it will continue the strong political and military support for Ukraine initiated under its predecessor, Boris Johnson. At the United Nations, she can urge the world’s democracies to work together in what she has dubbed a “network of freedom”.
But Truss also has to do some bridge-building, especially with Biden. The US leader has expressed concern about the impact of Britain’s departure from the European Union on the fragile peace in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland shares a border with EU member Ireland, and Brexit has brought new checks on goods that have turned into a political crisis in Belfast. British federalist politicians are refusing to form a government that shares power with Irish nationalists, saying Brexit border checks undermine Northern Ireland’s place in the UK.
Johnson’s government announced plans to suspend checks and rip part of its Brexit treaty with the European Union – a move that angered the bloc and worried Washington. Biden has warned that neither side should do anything to undermine the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, a cornerstone of the Northern Ireland peace process, in which the US had a role in negotiations.
Truss says it wants to reach a deal with the EU, but will go ahead with Johnson’s plan to rewrite the rules if that fails. It is unclear whether UK-EU relations, which hit rock bottom during Johnson’s turbulent tenure, will improve under the truce. She shook French wings last month when she said the “jury is out” on whether French President Emmanuel Macron is friend or foe.
At home, the truce – a small-state, free-market conservative – has been forced to leave its political comfort zone and spend billions on energy prices for homes and businesses, which could rise by 80% next month. were facing because Russia’s war in Ukraine sends energy prices up.
The government will reveal more details of its energy package – and face sharp questions from the opposition – when MPs return to parliament on Wednesday.
Then on Friday, Truss-appointed Treasury chief Quasi Quarteng is due to make an emergency budget statement to address Britain’s deteriorating economic picture. Inflation eased slightly in August but remains at 9.9%, the highest in four decades, while the pound is at a 37-year low against the dollar. The Bank of England has predicted a protracted recession to begin later this year.
Quarteng is likely to announce individual or corporate tax cuts – or both – in the hope that economic growth will spurt, though critics say such measures help the more well-off of the poorest.
Newspapers report that Quarteng also wants to remove a limit on bankers’ bonuses imposed after the 2008 global financial crisis. This would be highly controversial, and would bring an abrupt end to the political struggle following the death of the Queen.
“We are starting to see signs of Liz Truss’s new economics,” Labor opposition MP Margaret Hodge told the BBC. “It is obscene to think of bankers at this stage.”