5 Exercises That Can Harm You In The Long Run, According To Fitness Experts

If you’re a beginner who recently started your fitness journey or even if you’re an intermediate, chances are you’ve been spending hours at the gym going through strenuous workouts as well.

When it comes to weightlifting, there are many exercises that one can choose from and each exercise has variations. Each variation works on a different part of the body and muscles and thus produces different results. For example, the inclined bench press tones the upper chest while the decline bench press helps build muscle in the lower chest.

However, just sweating it out in the gym does not mean that you will definitely see the desired results as not every exercise is as effective as it seems. Instead, there are certain exercises which according to experts should be avoided as they harm the body in the long run.

So below is a list of some exercises that you can choose to avoid and opt for.

lat pull-down behind the head

Being one of the most famous exercises popularized by bodybuilding legends such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, it is quite hard to doubt the efficacy of this exercise. But experts suggest avoiding pulling the weight behind the neck as it damages the shoulders and spine with each rep. In addition, this variation provides a limited workout and is less effective.

One can go for the right shift and pull the weight towards the chest instead of behind the head.

Smith Machine Squats

Most newcomers to the gym hit the Smiths machine to squat because they think it’s safe and will protect them if they lose weight. But on the other hand, doing squats on the Smith machine puts you in restricted motion and puts excessive stress on your knees. Also it is not effective when it comes to building leg muscles. So, consider doing some barbell squats in the squat rack and have someone spot you in case the weights get too heavy.


Crunches look really good in movies and photo shoots where the model has to highlight her defined abs for the camera. But in practice it is not as effective in building muscle mass or core strength. Fitness instructors also believe that this puts unnecessary pressure on the back and is not worth doing. Climbers for the abs and other more effective exercises like flutter kicks can try.

crossfit pull-ups

CrossFit pull-ups or keeping pull-ups have always been quite controversial for the way they are performed. While they’re an important part of CrossFit training, experts agree that using sudden bursts of power to lift the body off the bar is just cheating and will be good for you. This exercise also increases the risk of injuries with each rep, so one should follow a general pull-up which is great for strength and conditioning.

leg extension machine

Exercising certainly helps in burning the quad muscles but at the same time it puts your knees in an unnatural position which can damage them in the long run. Especially when you push the weight to the maximum and use only your feet to lift the weight, it puts your knees under extreme stress. There are better options you can choose to build quads like lunges, step-ups and squats.

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