5 foods to stop hair loss and help with growth and thickness

Who doesn’t love thick, thick and healthy hair? But achieving that dream mane requires effort and time. Just when you thought investing in good quality hair products would solve all your hair woes, it’s time to change the way you take care of your hair a bit. Nutrition plays the most important role when it comes to the health of our hair. Superfoods with their superpowers help in making hair stronger and thicker internally and prevent hair fall. A nutritionally rich diet is far more effective in getting you healthy hair than just the topical application of certain products. Our hair requires fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, iron and other multivitamins that help prevent hair fall and help you get thick and strong hair.

Here are 5 foods to prevent hair loss and help with growth and thickness:

1. Spinach

This leafy green vegetable is great for hair growth. Rich in vitamins C and A, iron and folate, regular consumption of spinach can do wonders for your hair. Spinach is very beneficial due to being a food rich in iron. promote hair growth Because one of the essential elements for hair growth is iron. Also, low amounts of iron can cause hair loss, so be sure to include spinach in your diet to prevent hair fall.

2 eggs

Our hair needs protein to grow healthy and thick and eggs are the best source to get protein. eggs The two most important components for hair growth are protein and biotin which are required to prevent hair loss. Since our hair is made up of a protein called keratin, it is extremely important to have a protein-rich diet. Apart from this, eggs also contain zinc and selenium which are very good for your hair.

(Also read: (Also read: Protect Your Hair: The Ultimate Hair Care Guide,

Eggs are a natural source of biotin; image credit: pixels

3. Berries

Berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that strengthen the hair follicles and help strengthen the hair roots. Consume any type of jamun in your daily diet to see a huge difference in your hair health. Plus, vitamin C is a great source of collagen that your hair needs to promote hair growth. The antioxidants present in jamun also help in preventing hair breakage.

4. Almonds

almonds are Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamins E, B1 and B6, and selenium which are excellent nutrients for hair growth. All these components are essential for promoting hair growth. Almond nourishes the hair from the roots and helps in making the hair shiny and strong. In addition, almonds act as a protective barrier for the hair, as they protect the hair from environmental damage making the hair healthier. Almonds are also rich in magnesium which is a powerful ingredient for making hair thicker.

5. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are rich in protein, copper and phosphorous which are prime agents for thick hair. Chia seeds provide keratin to the hair which helps in promoting strong and thick hair. Also, the copper present in chia seeds helps in hair breakage and promotes hair growth. It protects the scalp from any kind of infection and keeps the scalp in good health.

(Also read: 22 Vitamins and Minerals You Didn’t Know Your Body Needs,

So, it’s time to stop worrying about hair fall and look at the beauty of your hair. Add these superfoods to your diet to see the magic.

About the author: Ms. Aarti Raghuram is a skin and hair care expert, and the founder of Dega Organics.


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