5 fun ways to include honey in your daily diet

Honey has been a part of our daily diet for centuries. A bottle of honey occupies a stable position in our pantry and is commonly used for various culinary purposes. From adding honey to a cup of tea to making delicious honey-infused desserts – we use honey everyday. Apart from this, it also contains many essential nutrients which can prove to be excellent for our overall health. An iconic alternative to sugar, honey is loaded with many essential nutrients and has long been a part of traditional medicine. According to the National Honey Board, it contains no fat, cholesterol and sodium and is rightly called “nature’s sweet nectar”.

Read also: Raw Garlic and Honey for Weight Loss: Eat this mixture on an empty stomach to lose weight fast

Honey is a storehouse of many essential nutrients

5 health benefits of honey:

1. Increases Energy:

Honey contains glucose that helps promote energy when absorbed by the body. This is why we often find honey included in home energy drinks that can help prevent fatigue.

2. Promote Weight Loss:

Many experts suggest adding honey and lukewarm water to our daily morning ritual. Everyone wonders why? This is because honey has anti-inflammatory properties that help boost metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

3. Treats Cough and Cold:

Honey has always been known to boost immunity – thanks to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties it contains. These factors further help prevent cold and flu and treat cough and sore throat.

4. Promote Healthy Skin:

Honey in lukewarm water also helps promote glowing, nourished skin. Yes, you heard us. It is dubbed to work as a natural moisturizer which helps with dry skin.

5. Promote Heart Health:

According to various health experts, honey if taken in the right amounts can help promote heart health. Consuming natural honey helps in increasing the polyphonic antioxidants in the blood which may further help in preventing heart disease.

Read also: 5 Quick Honey Based Drinks to Boost Immunity


Here are 5 interesting ways to add honey to our daily diet:

Honey in Water:

All you have to do is mix a teaspoon of honey in lukewarm water and drink it. You can also add lemon juice and cinnamon powder to it for a perfect detox drink.

Honey in Tea:

Replace sugar in tea with honey. Be it a healthy cup of green and black tea or kadak masala chai, honey is considered a great addition to this hearty drink.

Honey in Salad:

Dress up your salad dressing with some honey. Take some olive oil, lemon juice, some sesame seeds and a spoonful of honey in a bowl. Mix everything together and drizzle over your salad bowl.

Honey in Dessert:

This is probably one of the easiest ways to indulge in desserts without feeling guilty. Prepare all your favorite sweets with honey and enjoy them to the fullest.

Honey in Smoothies:

Love smoothies for breakfast? Now add a little honey to it and make it healthy and tasty.

Follow these steps and make honey a part of your daily diet. But always remember, moderation is the key. And don’t forget to consult an expert before adopting any lifestyle changes.

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.
