5 High-Protein Salads to Start Your Year on a Healthy Note

With the advent of 2022, we all have planned various resolutions that can help us achieve our future plans and dreams. While most people have made personal resolutions for their careers and personal lives, there is one resolution we all have in common, and that is to be healthier and more active in the year ahead. We start our day with morning walk and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout, but we skip healthy eating. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We have shortlisted some delicious high-protein salads that can be easily included in your diet. Time to savor your journey to a healthier body!

Read also: Chicken Puff & More: 5 Puff Recipes to Make with Evening Tea

Here are 5 high-protein salads to choose from:

1. Chickpea and Spinach Salad

Apart from cottage cheese, there are other sources of protein for vegetarians, one of them being chickpeas. Chickpeas are rich in protein and make a great salad. This chickpea and spinach salad also has the added benefits of protein-rich spinach.

For the full Chickpea and Spinach Salad recipe, click here.

This Egg Tomato Salad is delicious!

2. Egg-Tomato Salad

If you love eggs, then this salad is perfect for you. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which makes it a perfect addition to our diet. This super quick and easy salad recipe is a delicious combination of pepper, salt, garlic and onion.

For the full Egg-Tomato Salad recipe, click here.

3. Chicken Salad

Chicken is a popular choice for protein among non-vegetarians. Green vegetables like cabbage and lettuce are added to the cooked chicken. The salad is bathed in a creamy sauce made of mayonnaise, chili sauce, cream and ketchup.

Click here for the full Chicken Salad recipe.

4. Cheese and Cucumber Salad

Who doesn’t like cheese? This protein-rich ingredient makes a delicious salad. This cold and fresh salad has cottage cheese and cucumber as the main ingredients. It is garnished with crunchy onions and pungent tomatoes.

For the full recipe for Cheese and Cucumber Salad, click here.

grilled chicken Salad

You can have paneer with this healthy salad.

5. Chicken and Cheese Salad

People have a misconception that paneer cannot be consumed in pure form, so this healthy and protein-rich salad will prove them wrong. Cheese cubes, chicken, and lettuce are tossed around in mayonnaise and seasonings.

For the full recipe for Chicken and Cheese Salad, click here.

Try these delicious high protein salads and achieve all your health goals for 2022.
