5 Home Remedies To Prevent Vitamin C Deficiency (Recipes Inside)

Are you the kind of person who gets hurt very easily? Does it take a long time for your body to heal? Do your gums bleed easily if you brush too hard? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then you may be deficient in Vitamin C. Also known as scurvy, vitamin C deficiency is a rare medical condition caused by a lack of vitamin C intake. Vitamin C deficiency symptoms such as bruising, bleeding gums, weakness, fatigue etc. may not be obvious at first as they may be due to other medical reasons, so it is best to consult a doctor before arriving at any hypothesis. Is. However, there are many ways in which we can prevent vitamin C deficiency by following simple eating habits at home. That’s why we have found some easily available fruits and vegetables that you can include in your daily diet to meet the deficiency of Vitamin C.

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Signs and symptoms of vitamin C deficiency:

bleeding gum and teeth

Vitamin C deficiency makes your gum tissue weak and inflamed. Therefore, even light pressure can cause bleeding gums. In extreme cases, teeth can also fall out.

slow wound healing

Collagen provides strength and structure to the skin. Vitamin C deficiency can slow down the rate of collagen formation, allowing wounds to heal more slowly.


Vitamin C deficiency can make people feel tired. Fatigue is one of the first symptoms to occur in individuals.

dry and wrinkled skin

Since vitamin C is rich in collagen, the protein that helps keep skin healthy, a deficiency can lead to a deficiency of the same.

Vitamin C keeps our body healthy.

Health conditions that can be caused by vitamin C deficiency include:

If vitamin C deficiency is not taken care of in time, it can have serious consequences. Here are the medical conditions:

  • Anaemia – lack of red blood cells
  • myalgia – severe muscle pain
  • edema – Swelling caused by trapped fluid in your legs
  • periodontitis – Gum infection that destroys the bones that support the teeth
  • petechiae – brown spots that cause bleeding

5 Home Remedies To Prevent Vitamin C Deficiency:

citrus fruits

Delhi-based nutritionist Dr. Rupali Dutta says, “According to the National Institute of Nutrition, our body needs 40 mg of vitamin C every day. Vitamin C is great for immunity and healthy collagen formation—the key to our skin and bones. required for the framework.”

Click here for lemon recipes that you can add to your daily diet.

Click here for 5 Ways to Use Oranges in Everyday Cooking


Papaya is rich in antioxidant nutrients like carotenes, flavonoids and vitamin C. Papaya is eaten fresh in the form of salad or juice. According to the book “Healing Foods” by DK Publishing, papaya is also known for its anti-bacterial properties.

Click here for a papaya recipe that you can easily make at home.


Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C.


Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. And these two components help the body to get rid of harmful free radicals in our blood. For vitamin C to be absorbed into the system, they need to be eaten, so we include tomatoes in our daily cooking.

Click here for five delicious tomato recipes.


Strawberries are not only rich in antioxidants but are also a good source of vitamin C. The vitamin C content of strawberries is slightly higher than that of oranges. You can include strawberries in your diet through shakes and smoothies.

For the Strawberry Smoothie recipe, click here.


Broccoli also contains a good amount of vitamin C, as much as 89 grams of vitamin C in 100 grams of broccoli! According to Bangalore-based nutritionist Dr Anju Sood “(broccoli) a low-calorie vegetable antioxidant is a storehouse of essential minerals.”

Click here for 11 Best Broccoli Recipes.

read also: Home Remedies For Hair Growth: How To Grow Hair Naturally With Good Food

If you find these methods helpful, then do let us know in the comment section.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.


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