5 Indian winter fruits that boost the immune system

We all know that fruits are packed with various health benefits that help us maintain our immunity and keep infections/flu away. From providing our bodies with essential nutrients to boosting energy and immunity and even helping to manage lifestyle diseases, fruits are an important part of a balanced diet. While the average health conscious person adds many fruits to their diet, many have not shied away from their unhealthy habits. Summer season still saw many people grabbing those colorful and juicy fruits, but the arrival of winter often means our trips to the fruit store are cut in half as many people don’t like fruits in winters. However, nipple weather makes us more vulnerable to catching a cold or an itchy throat, especially as we move towards chilly nights. It is common for us to fall prey to the seasonal flu that is currently circulating among our family and friends.

Therefore, it is important to include seasonal fruits in your diet to prevent cold, cough and cold. Here are 5 Indian fruits and the reasons why you should include them in your diet from today.

Here are 5 Indian winter fruits that can help boost immunity:

1. Oranges:

Orange is undoubtedly the first fruit that comes to our mind when we talk of winters, isn’t it? These juicy and sweet oranges are one of the most loved winter fruits among all, and this is because while being refreshingly delicious, they are packed with all the essential nutrients we need to survive the cold. is required for. Oranges are citrus fruits that are rich in Vitamin C which is a key nutrient that gives us the overall immunity boost our body needs. Since the body cannot produce vitamin C on its own and the risk of falling ill during the winter season is high, we should double the dose of immunity boosting fruits like oranges in the coming season.

Oranges are beneficial winter fruit

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2. Custard Apples:

A creamy and delicious winter fruit, custard apple is another high source of vitamin C that you can include in your daily winter diet. This fruit is said to contain minerals like calcium, magnesium along with nutrients like Vitamin-B6 and antioxidant properties that enhance the nutritive value of the exotic fruit. While custard apple has countless health benefits, its leaves are equally nutritious. Both the fruit and the leaves are prized for their health benefits, especially in Ayurveda.

Custard apple

Custard apples are good for winter

3. Apples:

Haven’t we all heard “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” a thousand times already? Well, this phrase can’t be truer than the winter season. An exhaustive list of benefits Apples are a must eat during the winter season. Since we reduce water consumption in winters, we are more likely to have constipation problems. But luckily apples are known to be great for this and should be enjoyed every day to keep these issues away. Apples are naturally high in pectin and according to the book ‘Healing Foods’ “pectin has an amphoteric action. Paradoxically, it may prove to relieve both constipation and diarrhea, depending on the body’s needs.”


There are many benefits of apple in winter

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4. Pomegranate:

Catching the fresh batch of pomegranates that come to winter markets is a must. Prickly air makes joint pain a common symptom in young and old alike and especially for those suffering from arthritis, pomegranate is a boon for the season. According to the book ‘Healing Foods’ by DK Publications, several preliminary studies have shown that pomegranate extract can block enzymes that are known to damage joints in people with osteoarthritis. The book also states that consuming 100 grams of pomegranate provides more than 10 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. The vitamin C and other immune-boosting nutrients in pomegranates such as vitamin E can prevent common disease and fight infections in our bodies.


Add pomegranate to your winter diet

5. Fig:

Figs are a great source of potassium which is an important mineral required by the body to maintain blood pressure as it negates the harmful effects of sodium. Since winters call for hot and steamy, oily and greasy foods that are high in sodium on a regular basis, a diet rich in potassium is essential. Doing so can also help with blood circulation and digestive disorders. According to a study conducted by Shiga University of Medical Science in Japan, ‘Eating a diet rich in potassium can also help protect you from heart and kidney diseases’.


Figs are a nutritious winter fruit

There you have it, these are some common Indian winter foods and reasons why you should include seasonal varieties in your diet.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.


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