5 natural herbs to help you sleep: Ashwagandha, chamomile and more

Image source: Freepik Young woman sleeping: Image for representation

Sleep is your body’s natural way of healing itself. Good quality sleep sets you up for a productive day ahead. You need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to feel rested and refreshed, but sometimes getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult. The sleep experts at EveryNight.com reveal how natural herbs can help those who have trouble sleeping at night. This research has been medically reviewed by Dr. Nayantara Shanti.

How can herbs promote sleep?

Natural herbs have powerful sleep-enhancing properties for a restful night’s sleep. They can calm your nerves and soothe your senses while providing adequate sleep. Lack of sleep is often due to hectic lifestyle, anxiety and stress. Stress affects the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, but taking certain herbal supplements can help offset this loss. Some natural herbs are high in tryptophan, an amino acid thought to improve the synthesis of serotonin. Increasing serotonin levels corrects the chemical imbalance that leads to the most common sleep disorder, insomnia.

5 Best Herbs to Try


The anti-depressive, sedative and calming properties of lavender help you sleep better. Studies show that lavender herb can relax your nerves, reduce anxiety levels and stabilize mood disorders. Reduced stress, anxiety and a positive mood promote daytime wakefulness and more sustained sleep at night. Typically, lavender is used through spray or inhalation.


Chamomile is an ancient medicinal herb known for its relaxing effects. Modern day studies prove the efficacy of chamomile. It reduces anxiety, calms your nerves and eases insomnia. For example, one study found that women who gave birth and struggled to sleep experienced less sleep dysfunction and depression when they drank chamomile tea nightly for two weeks. The presence of nerve-relaxing flavonoids in chamomile tea makes it a popular tranquilizing drink. You can feel the soothing effect of chamomile even by smelling its aroma.


The roots of the valerian herb are often used to treat insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety in patients. The valeric acid in valerian roots inhibits the breakdown of the neurotransmitter GABA. This leads to better quality sleep. Valerian works on the principles of anti-anxiety drugs by promoting deep sleep. Valerian is available in many stores and usually comes in pill form.

passion flower

Passionflower contains nerve-relaxing flavonoids, which help you de-stress and sleep better. This tropical flower tastes good and is commonly used in many herbal, over-the-counter sedatives.


Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb commonly used to combat insomnia, as studies have shown it to be effective in improving sleep onset latency and quality of rest. Ashwagandha’s actual sleep-promoting compounds are found in the leaves of this plant—triethylene glycol—helps eliminate feelings of stress or anxiety, induce calmness, and help you fall asleep more easily. Ashwagandha ultimately acts like a sedative, so it’s a great alternative to anxiety medications or OTC sleep aids because it works with your body to naturally enhance sleep habits. Ashwagandha can be purchased in capsule form that is ingested.

How to use herbs for sleep?

Herbal tea

Make some herbal tea by adding 1 tsp of herbs to a cup of boiling water. Let it soak for 20 minutes, then filter it and drink it. You can drink two to three cups of herbal tea a day.

essential oils

Add herb-flavored essential oils to your warm water bath at bedtime to feel the calming effects, induce sleep.

Massage the herb oil mixed with olive, grapeseed, or coconut oil on certain parts of your body, such as your forehead, neck, chest, wrists, chest, hands, or feet. Your skin may be sensitive to an undiluted essential oil, so diluting it reduces the chance of a reaction.

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Inhale the aroma of natural herbs through aromatherapy candles.


Take herbal extract supplements available over the counter at pharmacy stores. Read the dosage instructions on the label to find out how much to take per day.

A spokesperson for Evernight.com commented, “Sleep disturbances occur when the normal process of waking and/or initiating sleep does not occur. It can be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, sleep habits, and other psychological factors.” Is.

If the pattern of sleep disturbance continues over time, these factors can create a vicious cycle of ongoing sleep problems with consequences in our waking lives. As they say, sleep health is as important as diet and exercise for our health.

Most natural herbs have a long history of use to treat insomnia. These herbal medicines were being prescribed by physicians since ancient times as natural sleep aids. Modern-day studies and research have supported the efficacy of taking these herbs for a good night’s sleep, so any of these options may be a good choice. Although many herbs are harmless and have no known side effects, it is advisable to speak to your doctor before making any drastic changes.”

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