5 Protein Rich Foods That Will Help You Build Muscle

If gaining muscle mass is on your mind, then going to the gym alone will not work. In order to achieve your desired fitness goals, it is important to incorporate a nutritious diet into your daily routine. Proteins that serve as the building blocks of our body are of vital importance in weight loss and muscle development.

In this article, we will elaborate on five protein-rich foods that should be included in your daily diet for quick muscle growth:

  1. eggs
    Eggs are a reasonable and readily available source of protein. They are also a rich source of the amino acid leucine, which aids in muscle recovery after a thorough workout. While some people are of the opinion that egg yolks are bad for your heart, studies have shown that whole eggs serve as a protein powerhouse. One egg contains about 6 grams of protein.
  2. chicken breast
    Chicken breasts are an incredible source of protein for muscle growth. The food is cheap, easy to prepare and rich in protein. Chicken breast is also high in selenium, a mineral that protects the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals. A serving of 100 grams of chicken breast contains about 32 grams of protein.
  3. Quinoa
    Quinoa is a wonderful vegetarian protein source. It provides 8 grams of protein per cup and contains all the essential amino acids. To boost your protein intake to build muscle, consume quinoa with roasted vegetables or chicken.
  4. seeds and nuts
    Eating seeds and nuts will not only help you with your muscle development plans, but will also keep unwanted hunger at bay between meals.
  5. Masur lentils
    Dal is found in almost every Indian household. They contain a significant amount of fiber, are low in fat, and high in protein. They are also less expensive than other protein sources and can be stored for a long time. Dal too takes only 10 minutes to prepare and you can have it as a standalone meal or with brown rice.

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