5 things to keep in mind for color-to-sport, gender-neutral parenting

Children should not be bound in limited thinking, it is the desire of almost every parent. Whether it is a boy or a girl, he should be ready to do everything to accept every challenge of his life, this is considered as gender equality. For gender neutral parenting, you have to take small steps every day.

Don’t make the child color specific or toy specific based on gender. Unknowingly parents, family members and relatives give gifts according to the gender of the child. These are small things that fill the child’s mind with the illusion of being a boy or a girl. Elders should pay attention to these habits and change them.

Doll for daughter and car for son: As a parent, no one can think of your child better than you. That’s true, but never buy a toy based on the gender label on it. Like kitchen set for daughter and bike for son. Be it a son or a daughter, give him all kinds of toys so that he doesn’t think of being a boy or a girl.

Avoid gender specific colors: pink for girls and blue for boys, don’t make your child believe in any such thing. Many parents make the interior decoration of the child’s room by being gender specific. The boy’s room is painted blue and superhero posters, while the girl’s room is pink and decorated with a Barbie theme. Get started with gender neutral parenting with these steps.

Girls cry not boys: Many parents try to pacify a crying baby by saying that boys don’t cry or why are you crying like girls. By saying this, you inculcate this thing in the mind of the child that boys should not cry. At the same time, a feeling starts developing in girls that girls cry and there is no harm in it.

There is no relation between gender and sports: If girls want to play outdoor sports like cricket, kabaddi or football, parents ask them to play girls’ sports. On the other hand, if boys show interest in playing indoor games or with girls, the family recommends them to play field games. If you can push yourself out of this thought, you will definitely be able to do gender neutral parenting.

Kitchen is not made for one gender: When boys come into the kitchen, they are asked, what is your work here? The boys grow up and accept that they have no kitchen work. On the other hand, girls do not participate in the discussion of household expenses, so they start thinking that this is not their job.

Hence giving gender neutral parenting. Parents should pay attention to these small things for the betterment of their children.

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