5 Tips for Picking the Perfectly Ripe Cantaloupe Every Time

Summer is in full swing, and so is muskmelon. The rind of this juicy fruit is meshy and the inside is usually orange in colour. Since melons are loaded with antioxidants and have high water content, they are considered to be one of the best fruits to beat the scorching heat. You will find them loaded everywhere, be it in the supermarket or your local fruit seller. However, one problem we all face while buying cucumber Determining whether they are ripe or not. After all, it can be quite disappointing to buy an oyster only to find that it turned out to be raw. In this article, we have put together a list of tips to help you choose perfectly ripe melons every time.

Read also: 5 Simple Tips To Pick The Perfectly Ripe Watermelon

Here are 5 ways by which you can check whether the melon is ripe or not:

1. Check Color

While buying a melon, the first thing that comes to our mind is its color. A ripe cantaloupe will be beige or creamy yellow in color with very few green spots. Another good indicator of ripeness is the presence of webbing on the skin.

2. Check the stem

Another thing to note when determining whether a musk melon is ripe is whether its stem is still attached. A ripe cantaloupe will naturally separate from its stem, while one that is cut too soon will remain attached. The tip of the stem should be round and smooth.

3. Smell the Melon

The smell of a melon is a major indicator of its ripeness. A ripe cantaloupe should have a sweet and slightly musky aroma closer to the blossom end (the end opposite the stem). However, if the smell is too sweet, it is likely overripe.

4. Tap it

Tap the melon several times with your hand or fingers and listen carefully to its sound. If you hear a slow and solid sound, it means that your melon is ripe. On the other hand, if the voice is hollow or high pitched, it is not a good sign.

5. Check Weight

Finally, pick up a melon and feel its weight. A ripe cantaloupe should feel heavy as it is filled with sweet and juicy pulp. If it feels too soft, it’s likely not ripe. It’s best to feel a few melons and choose the one that feels heaviest.

Read also: How to know if a ripe banana is good to eat? tips inside


What is the difference between cantaloupe and melon?
Muskmelon is a species of melon that belongs to the gourd family. Over the past few years, many new varieties of melons have appeared, including melons. While cantaloupe and cantaloupe are quite similar, they differ slightly in taste and appearance. Cantaloupe has reticulated skin with a sweet or musky aroma, while cantaloupe does not have a distinct net and is less sweet in taste. All melons are oysters; However, not all oysters are melons.

What is the best way to store cantaloupe?
If your melons are not yet ripe, it is best to store them at room temperature for 2-3 days. Once cooked, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four or five days. If you have already cut the cantaloupe, make sure to cover it properly and consume it within a few days.

If you are bored of eating plain cantaloupe and are looking for interesting ways to include it in your diet, fret not. Here, we have some refreshing oyster drinks that you can try this summer. Click here for recipes.

Now that you know these tips, keep them in mind the next time you go oyster shopping.