5 winter foods that can help reduce belly fat while on a weight loss diet

There’s something about winter that works up our appetites to eat more indulgent foods. Gajar ka halwa and butter-laden sarson ka saag, it’s hard to resist all these comfort foods that warm our soul. But one problem we all face is that these foods tend to fill our stomachs too, and it really shows. Belly fat is a common problem we all struggle with, especially in winters when we succumb to our cravings. We are not asking you to pay attention to your hunger, but we would suggest you to choose foods that can also help you manage your bloated belly.

Which foods help in losing weight?

According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta, “Many common foods present in our kitchen are actually fat-free and help keep our bodies hydrated. These low-fat foods aid in digestion and also aid in weight loss.” Let’s help.”

(Also Read: Winter Diet Tips 101: 5 Tips To Lose Weight In Winter By Celeb Nutritionist Pooja Makhija,

Which foods help in losing weight in winter?

We have listed some common winter-special foods that can help reduce belly fat and also reduce overall weight.

Here are 5 foods to get rid of belly fat in winters:

1. Carrot

Winter produce brings us bright red carrots that are also slightly sweet in taste. These carrots are high in fiber and low on carbohydrates, making them ideal for weight loss diets. here are some recipes You can try with carrots.

2. Winter Greens

“You should include high-fibre foods such as leafy vegetables in your diet to maximize your fiber and nutrient intake,” says consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta. Vegetables like spinach, mustard leaves and fenugreek leaves are excellent low calorie foods for your weight loss diet.

(Also Read: Winter Weight Loss: Fight Cravings And Untimely Hunger With These 7 Foods,

Green leafy vegetables are loaded with many nutrients which can also help in weight loss. photo credit: iStock

3. Radish

Radish (or radish) is a low-calorie vegetable that also contains a lot of fiber. Fiber means good digestion and less belly fat. here are some yummy recipes You can make from radish this winter.

4. Beet

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a 100-gram serving of beetroot contains only 43 calories and 0.2 grams of fat and 10 grams of carbohydrate. Beetroot offers many health benefits, including the ability to aid in weight loss. try this beetroot recipes To achieve your weight loss goals.

(Also Read: 5 Diet Tips To Load Up On Protein In Winters,


Beetroot is an excellent vegetable to include in your weight loss diet. Photo: iStock

5. Guava

did you know Guava contains high amount of fiber which fulfills about 12% of our daily recommended fiber intake. Consume this juicy soft fruit in winters and take advantage of its various health benefits.

These low-cal, high-fibre foods help in smooth digestion and proper metabolism. Include this in your diet in winter and say ‘bye’ to belly fat

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