5 Yoga Asanas To Lower High Cholesterol Levels

Raised cholesterol levels pose a serious risk to the heart and can even lead to heart attacks. High cholesterol can increase the risk of heart problems. According to experts, if the cholesterol level gets out of control then it can be fatal. It is advisable to take good sleep along with a good diet to balance the proper cholesterol levels in the body. But, to control high cholesterol level we have to start doing yoga regularly.

Here are the top 5 yoga asanas that will help you in controlling the cholesterol level in the body.

1. SarvangasanaSarvangasana Yoga is one of the most effective asanas or asanas to reduce the increased cholesterol. Bad cholesterol in the body can be reduced by this asana. To do this yoga posture, first lift the legs on the back and then put the entire weight on the shoulders, head and elbows. Try to raise the legs as straight as you can until you remain stable. People who have problems like hernia, thyroid or heart problems should avoid this asana.

2. PaschimottanasanaPaschimottanasana can also prove to be very good for controlling the level of cholesterol in the body. To do this, sit down with your legs straight. Then while exhaling slowly bend forward and try to touch your knees with your nose without raising the legs.

3. Kapalbhati PranayamaKapalbhati Pranayama can prove to be very good in reducing cholesterol. It also controls obesity. To do this, sit up straight and take long and deep breaths, draw the stomach inwards and exhale. Doing this continuously also helps in removing fatigue. Kapalbhati pranayama should be avoided during migraine, pregnancy and periods.

4. Vajrasana:Vajra means diamond and this asana is one of the important asanas for lowering cholesterol. This is also one of those yoga forms that can be done even after eating. This asana also helps in active digestion. It also helps relieve the tension of muscle spasms, and it improves blood circulation to lower cholesterol. Also known as Diamond Pose, this is a simple sitting pose. In this asana, the weight of the body rests on the ankles and the calves remain under the thighs. You can start doing this mudra for 3-4 minutes initially and then increase it to 5-7 minutes.

5. Chakrasana: Also known as Ardha-Dhanush or Urdhva Dhanurasana, this asana helps in increasing the vitality of the heart. It helps in stimulating the thyroid and pituitary glands and helps boost metabolism. It is a deep back bending pose in which the palms and feet remain on the ground and the whole body is lifted up. The fingers should be facing your shoulders and the weight of the body should be on the palms and feet.

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