6 health benefits of walking you should know

Walking is very good for the body. Like any other exercise, walking burns calories and helps in losing weight. You can add walking to your regular fitness regime or incorporate it as your regular activity in your sedentary life. Walking keeps you healthy and aids in digestion and also improves heart health. To lose a significant number of kilos you need to burn a lot of calories, which depends on a few factors such as – your weight, pace, walking speed, and terrain to name a few.

Here are the benefits of walking:

  1. Lose Calories: Walking burns calories and helps you lose weight. Brisk walk is more beneficial than leisure walk. Similarly, if you walk on an inclined path, you will burn more calories than walking on a straight path.
  2. Toning: Walking strengthens the muscles in your legs and makes them look more toned. Combine this with other exercises like jogging, cycling, squats and lunges for more strength.
  3. improve heart healthA 30-minute walk per day can boost your heart health by reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. The farther you walk and the longer the duration, it will be beneficial for your heart as well as your overall body.
  4. Control blood sugar level: Regular walking keeps your sugar level under control. According to a study published by the American Diabetes Association, short and intermittent walks proved to be effective in controlling blood sugar. You can also consider walking after your meal for exercise and health as well.
  5. Increases Energy: Choose to go for a short walk, at home or at the office, instead of your regular caffeine intake for an energy boost. Walking is more effective at boosting your energy when you are tired or sleepy because it increases the flow of oxygen to the body and levels of energy hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
  6. Allows you to be creative: Walking can help with mental blockages and clear your head. It allows you to think clearly. If in the office, try taking a walk outside or starting meetings with coworkers during a walk.

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Read also: 5 health benefits of brisk walking

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