7 Healthy Drinks to Detox After Diwali

The festival of Diwali is always a roller-coaster ride with endless get-togethers and food binge. Too much food and alcohol can often dehydrate our bodies. Hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It helps in smooth digestion, regulates body temperature, flushes out toxins and even ensures good skin and hair health. After Diwali if you feel dehydrated; There are several ways to replenish lost fluid. Here we have listed some healthy drinks that can help restore water balance and detox your body after a busy festivities. Plus, try these recipes for healthy detox drinks when you have lots of water.

Here are 7 healthy drinks to detox after Diwali:

1. Spicy Water

Indian spices are a treasure trove of health. Soak whole spices of your choice in water for a few hours or overnight and filter and drink. You will feel a quick kick of energy. use it fennel water recipe To feel refreshed.

Spices add many health benefits to drinking water.

2. Vegetable Juice

Add healthy vegetables of spinach, beetroot and cucumber and mix with lemon juice and ginger to enjoy this delicious drink packed with antioxidants and various nutrients. Click here for the recipe,

3. Honey Lemon Ginger Tea

Replace your regular caffeinated tea with this healthy tea made with refreshing and immune-boosting foods. The best part is that it is extremely easy to make. Click here for the recipe.

4. Traditional Indian Drinks

The old drink of Kanji, Bael’s sherbet, Aam Panna etc. has proved to be very beneficial for the body. They replenish fluids and also provide immunity-boosting properties. try these recipes Carrot Kanji And vine syrup,

5. Almond Kahwa

Are you feeling under the weather too? This almond-rich drink will help you feel better in no time. click here for easy Recipe of Badam Kahwa To fight seasonal change.

6. Chicken Soup

Get plenty of protein and fluids from this wonderful soup that also makes a perfect light meal. If your stomach is now rejecting heavy food, then it Chicken Soup Recipe This is something you should choose without thinking twice.

7. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to fill the stomach and provide the body with a good amount of fluids along with the nutrients rich in milk/yogurt and fruits. Click Here for Something Delicious Smoothie Recipes,


Smoothies make for a healthy and filling drink.

Give your body a break from heavy foods and help hydrate it with these detox drinks.

About Neha GroverHis love for reading sparked his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping coffee.