7 heavenly coffee-based cocktails you need to try

Coffee is a drink that is loved by countless people around the world. Be it espresso or latte, mocha or americano – there are so many coffee recipes that we have lost count. Not only can the drink be consumed, it can also be used to make many different desserts, drinks and cocktails. For example, coffee-based cocktails are a genre of drinks that have their fans. The sour coffee mixed with the liquor makes for an intoxicating combination that coffee-lovers will surely love. What better way to enjoy the weekend than with these coffee-based cocktails, right?

Here are 7 coffee-based cocktails you must try this weekend:

1. 1700s Coffeetini

The goodness of espresso mingles with the flavor of the banana, along with some booze. The name comes from the fact that coffee was introduced to India in the seventeenth century. Pour yourself a glass and watch how smoothly it goes down! Click here for recipe.

2. Spiceside Tiramisu

If you love coffee but can’t resist a cocktail with a fruity twist, then this recipe is for you. Paired with caramel, chocolate and a dash of cream, this tiramisu-inspired drink hits all the right notes. Find the full recipe for this amazing cocktail Here,

(Also Read: 4 Amazing Chai Cocktails for Summer Home Parties,

A coffee-based cocktail can provide a multi-sensory experience. Photo: iStock

3. Roboto Coffee Martini

Another version of the classic espresso martini, this drink is quick and easy to make. With almond syrup and fresh cream milk, we bet you’ll want to try this recipe again and again. Click here For full recipe.

4. Irish Coffee

No coffee cocktail list would be complete without Irish Coffee. A world famous drink, it is made by mixing Irish whiskey with coffee, whipping cream and a hint of sugar. Just one sip of this mesmerizing combination will catch your fancy. Get the Full Recipe Here,

(Also Read: 5 great rum cocktails for your next house party,

Irish coffee

Irish Coffee is a wonderful and popular coffee based cocktail drink. Photo: iStock

5. Good Night Kiss

Sweet notes of vanilla are paired with coffee and fresh cherries in this divine drink. It also uses the famous whipped Dalgona coffee as a key ingredient. The red bitter aftertaste will be the perfect complement to a memorable, fun-filled night. Click here For full recipe.

6. Moorish

If you want to keep your coffee cocktails simple and subtle, then the Moorish is the recipe for you. Filled with crushed ice and a chocolate cigar on the side, you just won’t be able to resist it. Get the Full Recipe Here,

7. Late Night Gossip

Planning a fun get-together with family or friends? Keep it hassle-free and super simple with this 3-ingredient cocktail. It’s a five-minute prep that will prove to be a stellar addition to your gathering. Click here for recipe.

So, enjoy the taste of coffee in a bold, new avatar and we promise these drinks will become your favourite!

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