7 High Fiber Vegetables to Include in Your Weight Loss Diet

A balanced diet, a good night’s rest and plenty of exercise are some of the factors that accelerate weight loss and bring us closer to our target weight. One element of our diet that is important for weight loss is daily fiber intake. Fiber, or roughage, is one of the most important elements of a healthy and balanced diet that we often overlook. According to one study, approximately 95% of American adults and children do not meet their daily fiber intake goals. It not only makes us feel full for longer but also eases the digestion process which is important for weight loss.

Fiber helps avoid digestive issues like bloating and constipation, and may also help control cholesterol and heart health. In addition, diabetics and people with other lifestyle conditions are also told to increase the amount of fiber in their diet as it helps control blood sugar levels. The best way to add more fiber to your diet for weight loss is to increase the amount of fiber-rich foods in your diet. While fiber can also be found in legumes and whole grains, here are some fiber-rich vegetables that can boost your daily fiber intake and accelerate your weight loss journey.

Here are 7 high fiber vegetables to include in your weight loss diet:

1. Beet

It is said that the darker the color of the vegetable, the more fiber it contains. Beetroot is a great source of fiber and also contains many other essential nutrients like iron, folate and potassium. You can sprinkle it on salads, boil it or even make it as a delicious vegetable.

(Also Read: The High-Fiber Diet: 6 Classic Veg Recipes to Sneak in Some Extra Fiber,

Beetroot can be a great way to stock up on fiber stuff. Photo: iStock

2. Broccoli

No more running away from broccoli! This cruciferous vegetable is loaded with soluble fiber in abundance which will keep digestive issues at bay as well as accelerate weight loss. A serving of 100 grams can provide up to 10% of your daily value need for fiber According to USDA data.

3. Potatoes

Although the potato itself may not be a high fiber source, the skin of the potato is rich in fiber. Therefore, if you peel or boil potatoes and consume them, it can be a great way to increase your fiber intake. Consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta says, “It is recommended to eat fruits or foods with peels as they contain essential fiber which is essential for your body.”

(Also Read: 5 soluble fiber foods that experts recommend for diabetics,


Sweet potatoes can also be enriched with good health. Photo: iStock

4. Green Peas

The humble green pea may actually be a powerhouse of dietary fiber. A 100-gram serving can provide up to 5 grams, or 20%, of your fiber requirement, according to USDA data. In addition, green peas are also rich in protein which can accelerate your weight loss goals by keeping you full for longer.

5. Carrot

The root vegetable is known to be good for the eyes, but it also packs a punch in terms of fiber content. Carrots contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can provide a dual benefit for weight loss. Consume it raw, in the form of salad or by adding it to soup or stir-fry.

(Also Read: Fiber Rich Foods For Diabetes: 5 Foods That Control Blood Sugar Levels,


Carrots can provide good fiber content along with Vitamin A. Photo: iStock

6. Cucumber

Cucumber has been found to be an excellent addition to a weight loss diet, thanks to its primary composition being water. But it is also rich in fiber, especially if you consume it with the skin on. “The dark green color of the cucumber peel indicates the presence of antioxidants in it, which ensure nutrition,” said Dutta.

7. Artichoke

artichoke There is another wonderful vegetable that contains a lot of fiber. A 100-gram serving provides 5 grams, according to the USDA. Artichokes are particularly high in insoluble fiber and may also act as a prebiotic to maintain good gut health and may prove beneficial for weight loss in the long run!

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