7 home remedies that can help ease dry throat

As the seasons change, our immunity may drop and we may find ourselves battling a cold or cough. And when it does, a dry and itchy throat is one of the most common symptoms. A dry cough usually occurs when no phlegm or mucus is produced. It is most commonly caused by viral infections such as colds and flu, but they can also be caused by allergies or throat irritation. Also, when dry throat persists for a long time, it can also cause difficulty in chewing and swallowing.

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According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, symptoms of dry mouth include a burning sensation in the mouth, chapped lips, itchy throat, cough, mouth sores and even bad breath.

Since dry throat is a common problem for many of us, did you know that some home remedies can help ease the dryness? Check out these easy everyday ingredients that can help you get relief from a dry throat.

Here are 7 home remedies for dry throat

1. Basil and Honey

Tulsi and honey have long been a part of Ayurvedic medicine. You can make tulsi honey tea for dry throat. Honey’s antibacterial and antifungal properties help prevent many health problems, while basil has long been known for its therapeutic properties.

2. Turmeric Milk

It works well for dry throat, infections and most types of cough. In addition, turmeric is known to boost immunity and protect against disease when included in the diet. Drink a glass of warm turmeric milk, and your throat will be healed in no time.


3. Ghee

Ghee has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as the ability to keep the throat moist. You can take a piece of whole black pepper to keep your throat moist and wash it down with a spoonful of warm ghee. Do not drink any water after eating it.


Ghee is versatile in nature and can be used in many ways of cooking.

4. Liquorice

To keep your throat moist, keep a bottle of liquorice in your mouth during the day. It has the effect of natural lozenges. Place a small piece of gum between your teeth and chew on it. The Ayurvedic herb liquorice is used to treat respiratory and intestinal problems.

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5. Salt water

It is one of the simplest and most effective ways to treat a dry throat. For instant results, gargle with warm water mixed with salt at least twice a day. It helps in thinning the mucus, thereby improving the congestion and dryness in the throat caused by it.

6. Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is a great way to relieve throat irritation caused by pollution and dust mites, which can also affect your lungs. In addition, whole spices like green cardamom and cloves are abundant in antioxidants, which can help neutralize the harmful effects of heavy particles, which are at an all-time high, especially in the capital city.


Herbal tea may relieve flu symptoms

7. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which help prevent a variety of health concerns, especially throat problems. Put some seeds in some water and let it cook till it turns a different colour. After it is cooked, take it off the heat and let it cool down. For results, gargle with this decoction at least twice a day.

Try these remedies, and let us know which one worked for you!


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