7 Ways to Manage Blood Sugar Levels This Festive Season

With so many festivals coming our way, a feeling of joy is filling the air, it is time to celebrate and break free from the monotonous life which instills a sense of happiness and delights us all with delightful mouth-watering sweets. For the love of unites, treats, gifts and enjoys.

For people with diabetes, however, festivals can seem a little different. Dietary restrictions may make some of you sacrifice your favorite foods to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. But there are ways to enjoy festivals and celebrate them without giving up while keeping your blood sugar values ​​under control.

Here are 7 easy ways to manage blood sugar levels this festive season:

1. Medicines and Monitoring –

Medications are vital for a diabetic person to try and control their blood sugar spikes – the festive seasons are tempting and it’s easy to fall prey to a few sweets or even try different foods in celebration together. It’s easy to lose track of your blood sugar values ​​while trying. So if you are diabetic and taking medicines or insulin, please make sure you take them on time. It is also advisable to regularly monitor your blood sugar values.

Medications are important for controlling blood sugar.

2. Hydration –

Lack of enough fluid in the body can lead to serious complications, especially for diabetics. So, beware of some of the symptoms of dehydration like extreme tiredness, dark yellow urine, unexplained headache etc. Drink coconut water, buttermilk, plain water etc regularly. Additionally, adequate water intake is important for a healthy metabolism and detox and reduces urges. Eating sweet and salty food.

(Also read: )

3. Plan ahead –

Plan what you eat when you get together for a celebration – choose your starters, dips, sauces carefully based on the hidden sugars, salt, calories and more that you know. Read nutrition labels wherever available to decide whether or not you can eat it. This habit is important to help you enjoy your gathering without compromising on health.


Plan Before the Festive Binge

4. What should be eaten –

This can be especially difficult for diabetics, especially when everyone around you is enjoying the delicacies. But it is important to keep an eye on what you eat and drink. resort to a diet rich in healthy fats and dietary fiber; Make healthy swaps like replacing the rice with couli rice. Make your own dips and sauces at home to avoid added additives and unnecessary sugar and refined products. Try making your own fermented drinks like kombucha at home and make sure you consume a variety of probiotics to keep your gut healthy this season.

5. What to avoid –

First of all, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Avoid packaged breads, bakery products, cookies, etc. at all costs. Say a big ‘no’ to aerated beverages, too. They can cause a large increase in your blood sugar values ​​and ruin your diabetes management plan.


Avoid unhealthy and junk food

6. Physical Activity –

If besides food is an important tool in your fight against diabetes, being physically active is one way—take time after meals for activities like walking, brisk walking, even swimming or dancing, etc. Will help manage your blood. Chinese price.

(Also read: )

7. Keep Calm and Get Back on Track –

At the end of the day we are all human and despite all the planning and decisions, we fall for those soft looking gulab jamuns, give in to temptation and indulge a bit. Don’t kill yourself, keep calm. Try to get back on track when the season is over, check with your doctor if needed.


get back to your healthy diet after the season is over

Despite the tempting gifts all around and the great joy of the festive season, it is still possible for diabetics to enjoy the festive season. Just work out a workable plan, stick to it as much as you can, relax, meditate and you will have wonderful celebrations.

Author Bio: Vivek Subramaniam, Founder and CEO, LiveAltLife.

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