8 arrested in cruise drug bust; Shahrukh’s son ate charas – Times of India

Mumbai: Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) Bollywood actor arrested on Sunday Shahrukh KhanThe 23-year-old son of Aryan and seven others after a raid at a party organized on the Goa-bound cruise liner on Saturday night. mine is booked for consumption Charas.

Of the eight arrested, Khan, his friends and film actors Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha were produced before the court and remanded to NCB custody till Monday. Dhamecha is said to be the daughter of a merchant from Madhya Pradesh and the son of a merchant timber merchant.

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Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan’s arrest Live Updates

Five others—Nupur Satija, Ishmeet Chadha, Mohawk Jaiswal, Gomit Chopra and Vikrant Chhokar—were arrested late Sunday night; He will be produced in the court on Monday.

The cruise liner, Cordelia Cruises, departed from Mumbai carrying 800-1,000 passengers when around a dozen people were detained by the NCB on Saturday night and around 200 decided not to proceed with the voyage. It will return to the city on Monday morning. NCB officials said they are conducting more raids in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.

The NCB claimed to have seized 13 grams of cocaine, 21 grams of charas, 22 tablets of MDMA and 5 grams of mephedrone and over Rs 1.3 lakh in cash. The agency, in its remand application seeking the custody of Khan, Merchant and Dhamecha, said that the three have been arrested for consumption, sale and purchase of narcotic substances. drugs and the Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985. However, an official said that Khan has been booked for consumption only under Section 27 of the NDPS Act, punishable with a maximum punishment of one year or fine which may extend to Rs 20,000.


Aryan apologise

The cruise liner, Cordelia Cruises, carrying 800-1,000 passengers – mostly from north India – left Mumbai on Saturday night after around a dozen people were detained by the NCB and around 200 decided not to proceed with the voyage . It will return to the city on Monday morning. NCB officials said they are conducting more raids in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.

The NCB claimed to have seized 13 grams of cocaine, 21 grams of charas, 22 tablets of MDMA and 5 grams of mephedrone and over Rs 1.3 lakh in cash. The agency, in its remand application seeking the custody of Khan, Merchant and Dhamecha, said that the three were arrested for consumption, sale and purchase of a prohibited substance under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985. However, an official said that Khan has been booked for consumption only under Section 27 of the NDPS Act, punishable with a maximum sentence of one year or fine which may extend to Rs 20,000.

Khan, Merchant and Dhamecha were picked up late Saturday night and interrogated at the NCB office at Ballard Pier in south Mumbai. “Khan apologized when we asked him to walk to the NCB office,” an official said.

He was taken to JJ Hospital for medical examination at 4 pm on Sunday. Khan was wearing a black T-shirt and cap and a face mask. He was brought back to the NCB office within 40 minutes and produced before the holiday court at 7 pm. NCB officials said they have not recovered any banned substance from the mine, but a small amount of charas was found in the shoes of the merchant. The NCB said that the two were sharing a room in the cruise liner.

The remand application submitted in the court said that the NCB has found WhatsApp chats “clearly showing the nexus of those arrested with suppliers and peddlers on regular basis”. NCB’s counsel Advait Sethna argued for their custody, while Satish Maneshinde said that the police remand for a bailable offence would be inappropriate.

An official said Khan and Merchant were given free entry on the cruise liner and the organizers hoped to take advantage of the former celebrity quotient to further their business interests. There were six organizers for the yatra who charged anything from Rs 60,000 to Rs 3 lakh for the ticket. “The latecomers were charged more. The cruise ship was almost full and about 1,300 people had booked. Most of them were from north India,” said an official. “The Austrian owner of the ship has been summoned,” an NCB official said.

Officials said they were acting on information that drugs would be consumed and raided the cruise liner, Cordelia Cruises. “We have been working on this for the last 15 days. We visited the international cruise terminal, posed as passengers and we disclosed our identities to private security guards while entering the ship,” said an official.

The NCB said that in the rooms they found ready-to-roll joints, paper and similar materials to facilitate the intake of medicines. “Therefore, we need to establish whether the organizers were not aware of the consumption of drugs,” an official said.

Jurgen Belom, CEO and President, Waterways Leisure Tourism Pvt Ltd, said in a statement, “I would like to express that Cordelia Cruises is in no way directly or indirectly associated with this event. This incident is contrary to that and the culture of that event. which Cordelia Cruises represents. We, at Cordelia Cruises, condemn all such acts and will strictly refrain from letting our ship out for similar incidents in the future. Nevertheless, Cordelia Cruz is supporting us and cooperating with the authorities.”

1/6Arrested in drugs case for Bollywood debut: 5 times Aryan Khan made headlines

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