8 ways to plan your finances for a secure and prosperous New Year

Typically, financial planning occurs at the start of each year. While conducting an annual review of your finances is beneficial, it’s crucial to recognize that financial planning is a continuous process, not merely a once-a-year occurrence.

Financial planning extends beyond mere income and expenses; it involves initiating steps to guarantee a stable financial future in the long term. This underscores the importance of having your financial planning checklist ready at the commencement of each new year. This checklist encompasses:

Deciding your financial goals

Effective financial planning is essential for successfully navigating various life stages and realizing your financial objectives. Contrary to the misconception that it is a benefit exclusive to the affluent or individuals in certain life phases, financial planning is an essential tool for anyone aspiring to attain their objectives and lead a financially stable life.

Frequently reassessing and adapting your financial plan is vital to ensure you are progressing toward your goals. It’s essential to monitor the timelines associated with each goal, conduct research, and calculate the estimated costs for their pursuit and achievement. Financial planning goes beyond merely setting goals; you must also be mindful of allocating the necessary funds from your income to reach them. The absence of financial knowledge sometimes leads individuals to invest in get-rich-quick schemes. If you ever feel overwhelmed or uncertain about certain financial concepts, seeking guidance from a financial advisor can provide education and personalized advice.

Persistent evaluations and modifications are crucial for a thriving financial plan. Assuming command of your finances, regardless of your age, can empower you to realize your aspirations and safeguard your future.

Keep a stock of your assets and liabilities

Do you have a clear understanding of your financial assets and liabilities? A significant number of investors are unaware of the current value of their assets and liabilities, with many forgetting about certain investments they have made.

Begin by compiling a comprehensive list of your assets and liabilities. Subsequently, record the present value of each asset and the outstanding balance for each liability. Regularly revise this information to ensure a precise representation of your financial well-being.

After determining the extent and allocation of your investments, jot down any pertinent notes or additional information you discover. It is advisable to categorize your assets based on liquidity, distinguishing between readily available, medium-term, and long-term assets. Crucially, establish distinct worksheets for various types of assets and liabilities to ensure you capture all pertinent details without oversight.

Creating a personal financial inventory provides a transparent view of your financial status, aids in pinpointing areas for enhancement, and facilitates the monitoring of your advancement toward financial objectives. Keeping a current personal financial inventory is essential for effective financial oversight.

Evaluate your financial state regularly

Effectively handling liabilities is a vital component of prudent financial planning. During specific phases of an investor’s life, particularly in the early to mid-stages of one’s career, liabilities may surpass assets. However, this discrepancy should diminish over time until you achieve a debt-free status.

Controlling your finances starts with controlling debt accumulation. This is possible by taking care of the following steps. 

Reduce credit card debt: Refrain from using credit cards for routine expenses and prioritize settling outstanding balances.

Give priority to high-interest debt: Concentrate on settling loans with elevated interest rates initially to reduce overall interest payments.

Establish a debt payoff strategy: Formulate a budget that designates ample funds for repaying debts and adhere to it.

Prevent incurring more debt: Refrain from acquiring additional debt unless it is essential.

Then, you must focus on balancing your assets and liabilities. This is not difficult if you

Emphasize building assets: While repaying debt is crucial, ensure not to overlook saving and investing to grow your asset portfolio.

Sustain a favourable net worth: Aim to maintain a positive and growing difference between your assets and liabilities (net worth) over time.

Evaluate and modify: Routinely assess your financial status and adjust your expenditure, savings, and investment approaches as necessary.

Compiling a list of assets and liabilities is insufficient. Crucially, safeguarding your savings and investments requires careful consideration of evident financial risks eroding your earnings. To effectively manage these risks, you must, therefore

Safeguard your finances: Explore life insurance and critical illness insurance options to shield your family from financial adversity in the event of unexpected circumstances.

Broaden your asset portfolio: Distribute your assets among various asset classes to reduce risk and optimize potential returns.

Prepare for retirement: Initiate early savings for retirement to guarantee financial security during your later years.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your financial state is also necessary. This will help you to

Monitor your advancement: Routinely assess your net worth and debt-to-income ratio to gauge your progress in achieving financial objectives.

Pinpoint concern areas: Scrutinize your spending patterns and pinpoint areas where you can trim expenses, redirecting funds toward savings and debt settlement.

Consult a financial professional: If managing your finances becomes challenging or you require advice on specific strategies, seek the assistance of a financial advisor.

Churn your assets for effective portfolio rebalancing 

Establishing a desired asset allocation and effectively overseeing your real asset allocation are pivotal elements of prosperous financial planning. Your target asset allocation depends on 

Risk tolerance: This mirrors your capacity to withstand potential losses. A higher risk tolerance permits a larger allocation to growth assets such as stocks, whereas a lower risk tolerance calls for a more conservative strategy with increased emphasis on income-generating assets like bonds.

Investment objectives: Your financial goals play a crucial role in shaping your asset allocation. For short-term objectives, a more conservative approach is advisable, while long-term goals can accommodate a higher tolerance for risk.

Nevertheless, it’s not always possible for your actual asset allocation to precisely align with your target asset allocation. This discrepancy arises due to several factors influencing your actual asset allocation, which include:

Market dynamics: Swings in the market can result in a divergence between your actual asset allocation and the target. For instance, robust market performance might lead to an overemphasis on specific asset classes.

Rebalancing: This practice entails buying or selling assets to realign your actual asset allocation with the target. Rebalancing is essential for preserving your intended risk profile and preventing excessive concentration in any particular asset class.

Addressing the growing disparity between your target and actual asset allocation involves several steps. Begin by reviewing your current asset allocation and comparing it to your target. Next, set explicit thresholds for rebalancing, such as a 5% deviation from your target allocation. Thirdly, contemplate implementing automatic rebalancing through your investment platform to ensure timely adjustments. Finally, seek guidance from a financial advisor for personalized advice on managing your asset allocation and rebalancing strategies.

Consistently evaluating your asset allocation and rebalancing your portfolio is essential for sustaining a robust financial plan. Engaging in this review and rebalancing process at the commencement of each new financial year is a prudent practice. It enables you to evaluate your advancements, detect any deviations from your target allocation, and make essential adjustments to ensure alignment with your financial objectives.

Revisiting your retirement corpus

Regrettably, the absence of retirement planning poses a significant worry for retail investors in India. A considerable number depend solely on their Provident Fund (PF), often overlooking its limitations. Yet, relying solely on PF contributions frequently proves inadequate for building a substantial corpus to sustain the desired post-retirement lifestyle.

Engaging in independent retirement planning and strategic investing plays a pivotal role in ensuring a secure and comfortable retirement. Through planning, you can uphold the living standards you aspire to maintain after retirement. Investing aids in the growth of your wealth, countering the impact of inflation and safeguarding future purchasing power. Thoughtful financial planning not only secures your own financial future but also paves the way for a stable legacy for your loved ones.

Step up your mutual fund SIPs

Boosting your systematic investment plans (SIP) allocations in tandem with the growth of your income and savings is essential for optimizing long-term wealth creation. The combination of reinvesting returns with principal contributions results in compounding growth, making the impact more pronounced. Elevating SIPs enhances this compounding effect substantially. Additionally, larger monthly investments reduce the time required to achieve financial objectives, be it retirement planning, funding a child’s education, or securing a down payment for a house. By increasing your investment, you mitigate the adverse effects of inflation, safeguarding the purchasing power of your wealth.

The automatic step-up SIP feature raises your SIP amount by a predetermined percentage at specified intervals, eliminating the necessity for manual adjustments. By investing disposable income, you avoid unnecessary spending on non-essential expenses and channel your resources towards ensuring long-term financial security.

Building long-term wealth hinges on maintaining consistent and disciplined SIP investments. Periodically reassess your SIPs and adapt them to align with changes in your income and savings. Leverage the potential of compounding and automated tools such as step-up SIP to optimize your wealth creation. Stay committed to your financial objectives by directing your resources towards disciplined investments.

Planning your taxes in advance

A substantial number of taxpayers postpone their tax planning until the conclusion of the financial year, resulting in hasty decisions and overlooked opportunities. Commencing tax planning early provides numerous advantages. Firstly, gaining awareness of your tax liabilities in advance enables you to budget and plan strategically throughout the year, preventing last-minute chaos and financial strain during the tax filing period. Additionally, early planning facilitates a thorough review of your finances, helping identify available tax-saving options. Armed with this knowledge, you can then make informed investment decisions to optimize tax benefits and work towards achieving your financial goals.

The connection between possessing a financial plan and experiencing greater confidence in financial security is robust. A well-structured plan offers a clear pathway toward achieving specific financial goals, resulting in heightened focus and motivation. The assurance that you are progressing towards your objectives diminishes financial concerns and enhances a feeling of security. A comprehensive plan enables more knowledgeable financial decision-making, grounded in established priorities and risk tolerance, and incorporates provisions for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances. This fosters a sense of preparedness and control over your financial situation.

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Published: 12 Dec 2023, 02:20 PM IST