82 percent infected in Delhi due to infection

62 percent of individual viruses are killed as a disease virus.


In Delhi (Delhi) such activities going on from Mars to 12th class are involved, then 82 percent of the dynamic Corona Cheech The (coronavirus) virus vaccine (vaccination) dose is being given. The message gave this information. The total number of complete classes of 15 to 18 years in Delhi is 10.14 lakhs. In the case of charging individual PCs according to VAT, 73 percent of VAT is a single dose of individual PCs.

this also further

in Delhi

62 percent of individual viruses are killed as a disease virus. In the southern season, the maximum dose is applied to 1,12,521 infected, on this number enter these numbers 10,87,99 and 84,958.

Kovid-19 Update: Updated by 24 hours in 1.27 new cases,

In the meeting, join the danger of corona infection in Delhi. Dates change in 24 hours up to 1604 hrs at the next start time. 24 can change this change in this way. Also read 2324. Posted on Post in Delhi. This is 2.87 gone wrong.

pod family affected by corona infection

(news said)
