9 common habits you need to break for glowing skin, shiny hair and a healthy body

You must exercise regularly to promote your overall health.

A healthy diet is considered the key to most of your problems, from maintaining glowing skin to shiny hair, many people are advised to change their eating habits and exercise regularly. There has been much discussion on what needs to be done to achieve the above goals. But if you want to know what to avoid, then we have dermatologist Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta’s tips waiting for you. She has pointed out some bad habits that you need to break in order to see positive results. In the caption, Dr Geetika said, “You have to pay attention to your daily habits to have glowing skin, shiny hair and healthy body.” It is important to follow a strict routine, he added.

Quit These Unhealthy Habits

Dr Geetika posted three different slides dedicated to skin, body and hair respectively. She noted in each slide some habits you need to get rid of. Here’s what he had to say:

Avoid these things for glowing skin

1. Sleeping on a dirty pillow

Don’t sleep on a dirty pillow as it can transfer dust and bacteria to your skin, resulting in breakouts.

2. Using the Wrong Products

It is important that you understand your skin type. If you are unable to choose the right products, talk to a doctor to understand what will suit your skin.

3. Not washing your face enough or properly

Not washing your face enough can lead to accumulation of dirt, dust and pollutants in your pores. Clogged pores can lead to acne, blackheads, whiteheads and many other skin related problems. You should not wash your face too much.

Get rid of these habits for a healthy body

4. Not Drinking Enough Water

Consuming enough water helps your body to function properly. It is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.


Drink enough water throughout the day for your body to function properly
photo credit: iStock

5. Not eating 3-5 servings of vegetables daily

Vegetables are full of essential nutrients that your body needs. Include 3-5 servings of vegetables in your daily diet in different ways.

6. Lack of daily activities

Physical inactivity has been linked to a higher risk of obesity and many other diseases. Start your day with at least 30 minutes of exercise and stay active throughout the day.

Quit this bad habit for shiny hair

7. Washing your hair more or less

Washing your hair regularly is equally important for the health of the scalp and hair. You should not wash your hair too often or too little.

8. Using a Bristle Brush to Comb Wet Hair

Wet hair is prone to breakage. So let the hair dry thoroughly first and then comb it to prevent hair fall.

9. Applying too much product or heat

Using heat over and over again can damage your hair from root to tip. You should avoid the use of chemicals and heat as far as possible.

Follow these simple tips and take care of your skin, hair and overall health.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.


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