A Dose of Realism: The Post-COVID-19 Rise Omicron . Feather

Disease prevention with COVID-appropriate behavior and vaccination still needed

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, said in a recent briefing that 90 million cases of coronavirus have been reported since the Omicron variant was first identified 10 weeks ago. His statement comes in the context of several countries easing their restrictive movement measures amid public fatigue. From the WHO’s point of view, removing the restrictions completely is a problem because most people believe that Omicron is less dangerous than previous variants and that two shots of vaccines are sufficient defense against the virus. He underlined that a narrative that “stopping broadcasting is no longer possible and no longer necessary” had taken hold and was problematic. This was wrong, he underlined at the briefing, as the virus continues to evolve and globally four of the WHO’s six regions are reporting an increasing trend of deaths.

Britain, France, Ireland, the Netherlands and Finland are on track to ease COVID-19 restrictions. In India too, with current evidence pointing to a decline in daily caseloads, several states have moved to ease movement restrictions. WHO has also stated that the newly emerged version, BA.2, is as permeable as Omicron and that all measures required to include the original Omicron version apply to it as well. After facing criticism that it did not move early enough into 2020 to alert the world to the magnitude of the disaster it was waiting for, the WHO, which takes a global view of the crisis, has so far taken a stand on the available evidence. Can’t be blamed for fueling concerns from It has consistently warned that the pandemic may not be over until all regions of the world have adequate vaccinations and economic inequality remains a driver of the pandemic. The coronavirus, while secular in its infectiousness, affects nations differently. Rich people can tolerate the consequences of disrupted social activity a little longer than the rest. Right now about half the world has been fully vaccinated; Unfortunately, the vaccines available so far are only equipped to prevent disease rather than infection. WHO must use its influence to encourage vaccination and step up with advice and expertise to help countries reach the doses they need and encourage governments to do more to meet vaccination targets. should do. Framing the pandemic as a war that humanity must ‘win’ was useful for accelerating the development of vaccines. However, science is not yet equipped to predict the future trajectory of the coronavirus; COVID-appropriate practices, vaccines and accessible health care are the only reliable defenses.
