‘A matter of national security’: Amarinder cites Sidhu’s Pakistan ties, says will oppose his name for chief minister’s post. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Captain Amarinder SinghThe one who resigned as the Chief Minister of Punjab on Saturday said that Punjab Congress chief Navjot Singh Sidhu has ties to the Pakistani establishment and his rise as chief minister would be a threat to national security.
“For the sake of my country, I will oppose his (Navjot Singh Sidhu) name for the CM of Punjab. It is a matter of national security. PM of Pakistan Imran Khan is his friend. Sidhu has links with Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.”
“If Congress decides to project him as the Chief Minister of Punjab, I will oppose it. Pakistan is responsible for sending weapons, drones, explosives to our state. We have a common border and when you have big people at the top Knowing this, it becomes a matter of national security, so I will oppose it and will not allow it.”

Hitting out at the Punjab Congress president, Amarinder said, “Navjot Singh Sidhu is an incompetent person, he is going to be a disaster.”
There has been a tussle over power for several months between the two leaders and have openly fought fiercely against each other.

Sidhu had led a very strong and aggressive campaign against Amarinder, which eventually forced Sidhu to step down as the Chief Minister.

However, the Congress leadership sided with Sidhu and made him Punjab Congress chief, ignoring Amarinder Singh’s objections.

After becoming the state Congress chief, Sidhu was constantly trying to get the Amarinder government to act on the 18-point agenda set by the party leadership ahead of next year’s assembly elections.
(with inputs from agencies)


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