About 2-Way Chicken Poppers Recipe: 2 Ways to Make Delicious Chicken Starter

Don’t you love it when you find a chicken starter that’s easy to make, takes really little time and totally suits a crowd? Seems like the luckiest find, doesn’t it? And that’s exactly what we feel about this classic—and easy—chicken poppers recipe. These finger foods are delicious and can instantly liven up your party spread or evening snack platter. But, what’s even better, these can be turned into completely different recipes with just a few additions and adjustments. If you’re looking for an easy way to add more variety to your chicken starters, here’s a 2-way chicken popper recipe that will leave you wanting to overeat and overeat.

Chicken starters are the lifeblood of any party

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Who wouldn’t want more variety in their meal? Two chicken dishes are clearly better than one. But even two chicken recipes would require more effort than one, right? Not anymore, not unless you have this Two Way Chicken Popper recipe. Make a basic chicken popper and toss it in different gravies or sauces and you have a brand new dish on your plate. Want to learn how to make 2-Way Chicken Poppers? read on.

How to Make 2 Way Chicken Popper Recipe l 2 Way Chicken Popper Recipe

To make plain chicken popper, dip small pieces of chicken in maida, wash the egg and fry till it becomes golden and crispy.

Make a delicious honey chili chicken by heating soy sauce, chilli sauce and honey in a pan.

After this, heat a pan and add grated garlic and cheese and toss the plain poppers to make Cheesy Garlic Chicken Poppers.

click here For a detailed recipe for 2-Way Chicken Poppers.

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Make these quick snacks, and impress your guests with variety! What do you think about the recipe? Let us know in the comments below.


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