About Japchai Recipe: Enjoy Korean Style Noodles at Home

Korean cuisine has become the latest craze in the culinary industry, and let us tell you, it’s worth all the hype! Ever since K-pop and K-drama took the world by storm, people have found a certain fascination with Korean cuisine. From ramenbibimbap, tetokbokki To Kimchi – Foodies have familiarized themselves with these popular Korean dishes. The fan base of this dish is as strong as it is full of recipes! Today, we’ve got the recipe for a quick and delicious Korean dish that we’re sure you’ll definitely enjoy – it’s called japcha.

Read also: 5 Korean dishes you can enjoy for breakfast

Japache is usually prepared using dangmyeonA special type of glass noodle that is extremely popular in Korean cuisine. dangmyeon Made from the starch of moong, sweet potato or potato. It is also called cellophane noodles and glass noodles. if not getting dangmyeonSo you can use any type of noodles that are available to you.

About Japchai Recipe: How to Make Korean Style Glass Noodles

start by boiling dangmyeon According to package directions. All you have to do is boil the noodles till they become transparent. Prepare all vegetables; Here we have used carrot, onion, green onion, mushroom, black pepper and spinach.

Heat oil in a pan and fry all the vegetables till they are cooked. Add soy sauce, sugar, corn syrup and sesame seeds. Once the sauce comes to a boil, add the glass noodles. Fry till the sauce is absorbed. Japchai dish is ready!

Click here for step by step recipe of Japchai.

You can enjoy these Korean noodles with Korean barbecue or any other type of Korean dish.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?! Make these Korean Glass Noodles at home and surprise your family with your culinary skills! Tell us how you liked it in the comment section below!