Adding curd to gravy? Learn to do it the right way from Chef Pankaj Bhadauria

While most people follow all the important steps when preparing a new dish, it’s often the little details that get overlooked. And, it’s the same little things that can change the look and taste of your food. Chef Pankaj Bhadauria is back with another of his kitchen hacks, so bring out your pen and paper. In the title of your latest Instagram post Pankaj’s recipe, Chef has solved a common problem that home cooks face while making gravy. Often when curd or curd is added to gravy or curry, it becomes curd. This not only affects the taste of the dish but also makes it unpleasant for the eyes.

Did this issue ring a bell? Well, now you can breathe a sigh of relief because master Chef The winner came up with a solution with three simple steps. ,Pankaj’s recipeHow to put curd in gravy. Just follow this simple tip to ensure that your curd doesn’t turn curd when you add it to gravies and curries,” she wrote along with the video.

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Check out Pankaj Bhadauria’s tips for mixing curd perfectly in gravy:

Before adding curd to curry or gravy, whisk it well

While adding curd, the gas should be turned off or on low flame. “The gravy or whatever vegetable you are cooking should not be boiling, but boiling,” the chef explained.

– As soon as you add curd to the gravy, stir it till the curd mixes in the mixture. Keep stirring it till the gravy starts boiling.

Watch the video here:

first in second Pankaj’s recipe In the video, the chef shared a handy tip to save time while peeling boiled potatoes. The chef also highlighted how, after following his procedure, one can easily get rid of potato skin.

We can’t wait to check out Chef Pankaj Bhadauria’s kitchen tricks and tips.