Afghan aid: on the G20 meeting on Afghanistan

In a meeting of the countries with the highest GDP in the world – G20 – Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks about the humanitarian crisis looming in Afghanistan, especially as winter approaches. He also called on the international community to provide “immediate and unhindered access to humanitarian aid” to Afghanistan. The meeting comes as the UNHCR publishes a new appeal for funding, with a report that half the population (over 20 million people) is in need of “life-saving humanitarian aid”, and the United Nations only needs 35% of the funds. . Its relief work. As a result of the Taliban takeover, much of the direct aid to the Afghan government has ceased; Its reserves have been frozen by the US, making it impossible to pay salaries. The situation has been further aggravated by the Taliban government refusing to allow women to work and prohibiting girls’ schooling. While recognition of the Taliban and any government affiliation goes a long way, the world is faced with the dilemma of not causing further damage to Afghanistan. At the summit, the European Union pledged $1.15 billion for Afghanistan and neighboring countries where refugees have fled, while other countries, including the US and China, pledged $1.1 billion last month at a donor conference in Geneva. India has not announced any monetary or food assistance.

The prime minister’s words are a welcome sign that the government is sensitive to the welfare of ordinary Afghans, even though New Delhi has closed its embassy, ​​but maintains only a limited exchange with Taliban officials in Doha. Given the manner in which the Taliban took over in August, with the backing of Pakistan, maintaining ties with terrorist groups targeting India, the government would have worked hard to increase its involvement, or to send aid directly to the new regime. Is. But India can contribute to international agencies working with displaced Afghans, especially the nearly one million children who are at risk of starvation. It could also help Iran and Central Asian states that are housing refugees with monetary aid. The government may also consider liberalizing its visa regime for Afghans, which has currently canceled all prior visas for Afghan citizens, and is issuing fewer e-visas for Afghans desperate to travel here. . As a gesture of goodwill, India may once again send food aid including wheat, cereals, fortified biscuits and other packaged food directly to Kabul. Clearly, it is imperative to act in what the UN Secretary-General has called a “make or break” moment for the Afghan people, and to heed the warning that if the international community, including regional leaders such as India, is not humanitarian. To help address the crisis, not only Afghans but the rest of the world will have to pay a “heavy price”.


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