‘Afghanistan does not want conflict with any country including India’ – Times of India

Islamabad: Afghanistan’s interim foreign minister Amir Khan MuttakiMILF in an interview BBC UrduHas said that his country does not want conflict with any other country including India. They said that Islamic Emirate Now controls the whole country and Daesh (terrorist Islamic State group) has been eliminated Afghanistan,
“We do not want Afghanistan to conflict with any other country or create challenges that could affect our country. When we attended the Moscow conference, representatives from India, Pakistan and many other countries were also present. Asked about relations with India, Muttaki replied, “We had positive conversations with New Delhi and others.”
Describing Daesh as a threat, the Afghan minister said the Taliban government had eliminated it from a large part of the country.
“Previously, 70% of Afghanistan was under the control of the Islamic Emirate and Daesh had a presence only in areas ruled by the former Afghan government. After the Taliban came to power, the government took effective steps to control them and limit them to certain areas.
The Afghan minister further said that his country has been acting as a mediator between Pakistan and the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.TTP) at the will of both the parties.
“The two sides have not yet reached an agreement, but the process has started well, leading to the announcement of a one-month ceasefire,” Muttaki said. And the relations between the Government of Pakistan and the TTP will improve.
Dispelling the notion that women in Afghanistan are being left out of work in education and offices, Muttaki said: “Women have 100% inclusion in the health sector. He is also in the field of education. They are working in every field where they are needed. Our government has not fired any woman officer who worked in the previous government.
“We have no such policy to deprive women of their rights in any field. Their salaries, as well as education and employment opportunities, were not affected,” he said.
Muttaki claimed that the Taliban government had met the international community’s demand for an inclusive government. He said that since the Afghan government includes representations from all regions and ethnicities, the world should recognize it.
“The current Afghan government consists of employees and workers from the previous set-up which comes to about 5,00,000 people. If the world had recognized the previous government as an inclusive government, why not us? If he means cabinet representing all regions, then we have a minister from Panjshir. People from Badakhshan, Faryab, Kandahar, Nanghar and Kabul are also present in the cabinet. So every country has its own definition of inclusive government.
